The Dead Setters did a bit of a setup heist last session, in the prep for the eventual Feast For Crows Caper.

The Dead Setters did a bit of a setup heist last session, in the prep for the eventual Feast For Crows Caper.

The Dead Setters did a bit of a setup heist last session, in the prep for the eventual Feast For Crows Caper.

The Spider’s player was sick and the Hound’s player was seeing something called a Caravan Palace, so with a Cutter, Leech, and Whisper left, we agreed that tracking down Roric’s ghost to use for intel in an assault on Lyssa’s Crows was interesting enough to be done in “heist time”.

Why were the PCs so pissed at the Crows? They had a +1 status with them on paper, but several sessions ago Lyssa discovered the Dead Setters’ hidden lair’s location. She sent Belden (her second) and a small group in the lair to lean on the Setters. 8 Coin in 3 days. I grossly underestimated how affronted my players would be at this, and how little respect they would have for larger gangs. To their credit, they have bloodied far larger organizations, so it’s not unwarranted. The end result was Belden was captured, interrogated, and vivisected for information. The vivisection bit was a great Devil’s Bargain because it skewed a little too close to what the Leech did to indulge her vices, and it limited Belden’s usefulness. It’s just so hard to arrange a live subject, though. Wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity.

Their grisly work done, Teatime the Whisper worked up a sort of Dresden-esque magical compass using Belden’s flayed skull and the gang set out into the seedier parts of Duskwall, running afoul of a few random encounters as they completed the “find Roric” clock.

What the players didn’t know was that I’d been keeping a clock for Roric since close to the start of the campaign. The formerly incorporeal Crow boss was now a vampire, and was gathering a small splinter cell of loyal Crows and new recruits. These guys caught the Setters off guard but with a friggin’ crit on a Sway check, Teatime made fast friends and the Dead Setters and Blackbirds (maybe? Not in love with the name yet) are well on their way to deposing Lyssa.

Fun tidbits:

1. My original idea for Roric’s current body was a female Red Sash guard the party tossed to hungry ghosts in the first heist. However, I kept going more and more piratical with my accent and I can’t shake the image of Roric as Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean. Maybe he’ll get a slight retcon.

2. Maybe Lord Scurlock doesn’t like the idea of an “unauthorized” vampire running around his city? He’s a contact on Teatime’s sheet and I haven’t used him much. Might be fun to pit a contact against an ally.

3. Roric’s splinter cell has a Whisper with a pack of controlled attack dogs (inspired by a post on this community). Thank you, Nick Belleque!

4. We only had 3 players, which meant we got more spotlight time for everyone and hit all their XP triggers. Normally it’s harder to get those “belief/drive” XPs in heist time, but taking a page from Michael Yater’s games, I ended up asking a few more leading questions for each character to get some more flavor into the narrative.


Just been re-reading through Sean Nittner’s most excellent APs on his Blog.

Just been re-reading through Sean Nittner’s most excellent APs on his Blog.

Just been re-reading through Sean Nittner’s most excellent APs on his Blog. Sean, you are an amazing GM, I’d love to play with you someday 🙂

Anyways, he usually doesn’t post over here on the forums, so I’d thought I’d share cause its worth reading if you are just getting into the game and need any more inspiration to get out and play!

I am really loving how my groups campaign is going. Only on session 4 and so far we have

I am really loving how my groups campaign is going. Only on session 4 and so far we have

I am really loving how my groups campaign is going. Only on session 4 and so far we have

1. Argued about if it is OK for one of our whispers to have a ghost possess an unconscious party member to get them back to the hideout

2. Had the Cutter beat a man to death with another man.

3. The Slide convinced the Red Sashes the entire crew were recruits

4. Whisper forced a spirit out of a just killed thug in order to due his bidding.

5. The Cutter coated his knuckle dusters with ecto-plasm in order to kill said ghost again.

6. Said cutter went berserk and to a trauma due to beating a ghost to death.

So you could say things are going well.

Here is the playlist of my groups current campaign. We would all love for you to check it out and if you have any feedback all feedback is appreciated.

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 15 (May 9 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 15 (May 9 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 15 (May 9 2016)

We spend some time detailing what it looks like when Kamali and Gloves indulge her particular Vices. Kamali rents a private room at The Veil and gets comfortable with the Blue Cloud and a glass of blackberry wine, while Gloves inspects his wardrobe and decides he needs some new neckwear, and heads to Dunridge & Sons, spending more on a cravat, a jabot, and an ascot than most would spend on an entire suit. We already know what it looks like when Shade indulges his Vice.

The crew discusses the results of the Turner 302 Job. Constance is in favor of Kamali’s plan to use Clermont as a periodic supply of cash. Shade is of the opinion that the crew is not in a position to be able to effectively take advantage of the political information directly, and is looking to sell it to someone who can. Constance is reluctant to give it up so easily, and wants the group to study the information and report back to her before making a decision on it. This is hampered by the fact that most of the group cannot read Skovlan.

Constance discusses her intention to hit the Red Sashes, and frame the Lampblacks for it. This will hopefully cause the Sashes to be in a more emotional state when they strike out at the Lampblacks, and as a result they will be on less certain footing. It is Constance’s hope that the two gangs will end up wiping each other out, leaving only the Crows and the Dolls.

Marlane brings a note delivered to her by Lade Drake, informing that she has a meeting with Prichard at 8pm the following evening. She will bring Boots, as he is currently the only one who knows anything of her plan.

The crew gathers info on what the Sashes are up to:

Constance goes to see Merrill Brime at the Hooded Fox, but he is currently in hiding due to the Sashes coming around recently (with possibly ill intent). Constance talks to the bartender Booker, convinces him she’s not with the Sashes, and arranges a meeting with Merrill, who is hiding out in a nearby tenement building. He talks about some friends of his who have been approached by the Sashes, and the only thing they all have in common that he can think of is that they all were at the Bell & Birch recently. He also details what he knows of the Sashes’ drug business. Their primary sources of income are Trance Powder and Dream Smoke, two fairly high-end drugs. They deal them out of several reputable establishments in Crows Foot (a couple of restaurants, a massage parlor, and a bookmaker who takes bets on the dog races in Coalridge). Constance offers him sanctuary.

Gloves heads to The Moon’s Daughter, purported to be the best source of authentic Iruvian cuisine outside of the Iruvian Quarter in Silkshore (and some might even go so far as to say it’s the best source of Iruvian cuisine outside of Iruvia itself). Mylera and some of her underlings happen to be dining there at the time, and she invites Gloves to join their table. She thanks him for the list of names from the Bell & Birch, informing him that some of them have been useful, while others were deemed dangerous, and at least one is being targeted for assassination. Conversation amongst the underlings turns to dealing with the Lampblacks. It’s agreed that while they have been doing well in the small altercations that have been occurring of late, they need to do something decisive, and soon. Gloves also learns how to inform the staff of the Moon’s Daughter that he is in the market for Trance Powder.

Shade visits the Path of Echoes and sells the occupied spirit bottle (4 Coin). Then he hangs around near the Temple to see if he can find the ghost of a dead Sash. He ends up summoning a ghost named Kelyr, and after a brief battle of wills, gets some useful information. The Sashes’ drug business is run by Branon Avrathi, whose father is a high-ranking member of the Iruvian Consulate. The Sashes and the Consulate enjoy a working relationship. Shade shows Kelyr the spirit hook to let him know who’s in charge, but then asks what Kelyr wants in return for keeping quiet about their exchange. Kelyr reveals that he is unable to possess anyone, and is jealous of ghosts that can. He wants to learn Nyryx’s secret.


I was very happy to have the opportunity to drop some fairly big bits of information on the players this time around. I’ve been trying very hard to present a world that reacts to the players’ actions, and show them that everything they do creates ripples in the rest of the world.

I also love it when two or more characters attempt to gather information on something from different angles, and I can give each of them different pieces of the puzzle.

I’ve also made it a point that every time Shade interacts with a ghost, I build up a little more of the mythology surrounding them. Also, he’s had a very easy time of it, but all that’s going to come back on him soon.


The Porcelain Dolls: Session 14 (May 1 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 14 (May 1 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 14 (May 1 2016)

The Turner 302 Job:

Edward Clermont has boasted that his new safe, a top of the line Turner 302, is invincible. Kamali has decided to accept the challenge.

The crew gets a 5 on the Engagement roll. Kamali and Shade get inside the house with no incident, while Gloves keeps watch outside. The maid is nowhere to be seen, due to the butler deciding he needs to take a more direct role in his niece’s care, and so the basement is clear. However, Clermont does have an unexpected visitor from the Skovlan Consulate, who shows up right when Kamali is about to get to work on the safe. He is demanding information from the papers in the safe, in relation to a recent incident involving Ulf Ironborn (the words “arson” and “terrorism” are mentioned).

The Turner 302 is a 6′ by 4′ free-standing safe, made of a combination of solid iron and steel, painted a tasteful dark forest green with the company name and model number in elegant gold lettering on the door. There are three combination locks, and several glass plates inside designed to shatter if someone attempts to drill into it or open it by force, dropping secondary bolts into place, rendering the entire thing inoperable until it’s brought back to the manufacturer to reset. I rule that opening the safe is (for Kamali) a single 8 segment clock. More on this in the Notes.

Kamali commences work on opening the safe using Finesse, as her plan involves not damaging the safe in any way, or in fact leaving any evidence that it had been opened at all (in contrast with someone like Constance, who would not think twice about using Wreck to simply force the door open, or even just try to knock a hole in the side with a sledgehammer). I rule that Kamali’s position here would be Risky, but having acquired and studied the blueprints allows her to bump it back up to Controlled. In the first recorded instance (in our group) of a player using the fill-in line at the bottom of the Gear list, Kamali produces the stethoscope that she has thoughtfully decided to bring along in order to assist in hearing the turn of the tumblers.

As Kamali is working on the safe, Shade is on lookout at the door to the room, listening to the commotion coming from upstairs. He realizes it’s only a matter of time before Clermont and his guest come downstairs (this is a 4 segment countdown clock). Before too long Kamali gets through all three tumblers, and the safe is open, revealing (as the ghost said) a leather binder stuffed with papers, and a very large amount of Coin. She and Shade manage to copy important information from the papers (an additional 6 segment clock which they make short work of using Group actions), close the safe again, and get into a good hiding spot before Clermont and his visitor come down to the basement to retrieve the papers from the safe (a wooden bench hastily laid across the door buys them some time). Once Clermont is gone, Kamali easily opens the safe again, now that she has the combination.

I offer them the choice:

A. Shade’s Plan: Take the whole stack of cash now (10 Coin) and earn 1 XP for reinforcing their Reputation for being daring (for cracking the Turner 302), or

B. Kamali’s Plan: Only take an inconspicuous amount (2 Coin), and have the option of coming back on a regular basis to skim off of Clermont’s petty cash fund, and that will result in 2 XP for being extra daring. One detail is that eventually the money taken will be missed (and there is now an ongoing 4 segment clock for that, but if they can pull off a job to infiltrate and doctor Clermont’s ledgers, that will reset the clock).

In the end, Shade agrees to go with Kamali’s plan. There is some speculation that both Boots and Gloves will object to this plan, for completely different reasons. Boots will think it’s a bad idea for the group to press their luck, and Gloves will just complain that he didn’t get paid.

Downtime actions for the Turner 302 Job:

* The crew earns enough Rep to go up to Tier 1 (Hooray!).

* Kamali, Shade, and Gloves all reduce Stress.

* Kamali trains Prowess, and spends a Coin to a project to make Frake a friend.

* Gloves talks to the remaining property owners in The Drop, advancing the gentrification project (1 segment left). There is some idle talk about renaming the neighborhood to make it sound more upscale, and “Drop Heights” was jokingly suggested.

* Shade spends some time with Nyryx, completing the project to make them a friend.

Downtime actions for The Unmarked Crate Job (session 12, but happening simultaneously with this job):

* Gears and Constance both work more on clearing the factory floor, which opens the way for a smaller clock to set up living space.

* Gears works on an addition to Constance’s anchor (a spring-loaded launch tube for a crossbow bolt), so she has a bit of a surprise for any enemy with whom she hasn’t yet closed into melee range.

* Constance and Boots reduce stress.

* Boots spends an action healing, which clears up his broken nose.

* Constance spends a Coin to reduce Heat.


It was always Kamali’s plan to completely ghost this whole job. She very deliberately set things up in such a way that there would be no evidence that anyone had ever been there, much less robbed the place. The fact that the Turner 302’s reputation as uncrackable remains intact is also valuable, as does the as yet unspecified diplomatic information copied from the papers in the safe. We’ll see what that leads to in future sessions.

Following on from my notes on the previous session, I hit upon something that I don’t believe is specifically mentioned in the Quickstart, but everyone running the game should keep in mind: The consequence It Takes More Time should be used specifically in conjunction with some kind of countdown clock. Otherwise, it lacks bite and ends up being a cop out. In this particular session, I used it with the Unexpected Visitor clock. By judicious use of It Takes More Time and Reduced Effect to exert some control over how quickly each the opposing clocks were filling up, I was able to keep the tension ratcheted up quite nicely during the job.

Also, during this job, there was some question as to how the Turner 302’s legendary difficulty was being modeled in the game. I said that the short answer is that there are several factors at work to represent that.

As the GM, I have several dials that I can utilize to tune the difficulty of an obstacle: The number of segments on a clock, the possibility of multiple linked clocks, opposing clocks, the position of the roll.

Cracking the safe was a single 8 segment clock. However, I said that this was specifically for Kamali, and specifically for the method she used for opening it. Kamali has been presented in the fiction as a talented safe-cracker, among other things. If someone else had approached this particular task who had not been characterized as such (Boots, for example), the mechanics would look much different (perhaps a separate clock for each of the three tumblers).

There’s also the not insignificant point that the Turner Security Company is very likely overstating their ingenuity and innovative design in order to sell a product. Doesn’t mean it’s true (as Kamali has proven).

One additional note: I ran this 1 day after the previous session. This is the first game I’ve ever run where it doesn’t cause me stress (see what I did there). I could probably run this several times a week without a fuss if my schedule permitted it, I have so many ideas for what’s happening next.


The Porcelain Dolls: Session 13 (April 30 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 13 (April 30 2016)

The Porcelain Dolls: Session 13 (April 30 2016)

Gloves and Kamali, left to their own devices, decide to go get some real food, and head to the Iruvian quarter in Silkshore. Over kebabs and a hookah, Gloves expounds on his family history at length; his father was a Court Philosopher, whose job was to be a sounding board of sorts, one of many advisors to the Sultan. Kamali, for obvious reasons, gives very little information about her background.

Shade is in a bookstore in Silkshore with Setarra. She is arguing with the shopkeeper over the price of a particular book when Shade notices Gloves and Kamali walking past outside. Setarra greets Gloves respectfully in Iruvian (“A thousand blessings upon your House”), but Kamali keeps her distance, and once Shade and Setarra excuse themselves, spits on the ground.

The next morning, Shade finds himself at a loose end, so he and Gloves and Kamali nose around for various rumors. They find the following:

* Edward Clermont boasts that his new safe (a Turner 302) is invincible.

* The Path of Echoes are willing to pay top coin for inhabited spirit bottles, no questions asked.

* There is a new drug called Lure made from leviathan blood that turns people into demons.

* The Ministry of Transport is taking over the Gondoliers

Kamali decides that cracking the safe is an opportunity too wonderful to pass up, so she takes Gloves and Shade to meet Frake, a locksmith who has a shop in Nightmarket. Frake is a dwarf who is very skilled at his trade. He knows about the Turner 302, a new model of safe from the Turner Security Company, that has a reputation of being uncrackable due to several new advances. He doesn’t have one in stock yet, but he does have the blueprints for it. He loans them to Kamali in exchange for the usual price: a game of chess, which she loses. He critiques her performance afterward, saying that she plays too defensively. “Chess is a game about armies advancing on one another on a battlefield, not about withstanding a siege.”

That evening, the crew sets about gathering information on Clermont’s townhouse, located in Six Towers. Shade attunes to the ghost field, and discovers the bum he killed way back when has been following him around this whole time. They make a deal; if the ghost goes in and scopes out the house, and in return Shade is supposed to end his suffering by dissipating him. The ghost holds up his end of the bargain (learning the location of the safe and the fact that it contains lots of cash and some papers), but when the time comes for Shade to do his part, instead of keeping his word and discorporating the ghost, Shade uses his spirit hook and stuffs him in a bottle. And thus we are reminded (much like in Sons of Anarchy and Peaky Blinders), the PCs may be the protagonists, but they are not nice people, and they are NOT the heroes.

Gloves hangs out near the side door to Clermont’s house, and seduces his maid. After some clever conversation and no small amount of flattery, they adjourn to the maid’s bedroom in the basement of the townhouse.

Later, Kamali sneaks into Clermont’s house, gets the layout and scopes out whatever’s valuable, but doesn’t take anything. She learns that Clermont works for the Skovlan Consulate.

Shortly after Kamali leaves, Gloves is still in bed with the maid when her uncle, Clermont’s butler, knocks on the door demanding to know why she hasn’t been about her duties around the house. There is some tense conversation while Gloves hides in the wardrobe, but it isn’t long before the butler becomes suspicious, barges in, and proceeds to search the room. Finding Gloves in the wardrobe, he orders his niece to go call the Bluecoats, and plans to detain Gloves in the sitting room (aided by a hastily grabbed fire poker) until they arrive. After about half an hour, when it becomes obvious that the Bluecoats aren’t coming, the butler is left in the unfortunate position of not being able to do anything about it himself without letting Gloves out of his sight (Gloves graciously offers to go summon the Bluecoats himself, but the butler is not amused). He ponders simply shooting Gloves, but decides that will cause more problems than it would solve, so in the end, he lets Gloves go, warning him that he will kill Gloves if he sees him near the house again.


This was originally intended to be a fill-in session with just Gloves and Kamali, as Shade’s player would be out, but he was available at the last minute, so it was the whole group after all, and we got to see the B Team doing a side job away from the rest of the group.

Also, that last scene with Gloves and the butler actually happened at the beginning of Session 14, after a discussion regarding 4/5 results. The roll for Gloves to seduce the maid was a 5, and it was pointed out that I didn’t really inflict any kind of consequence on him for that roll at the time. I have resolved to take 4 & 5 results as opportunities to make things more interesting.


The Sextant in Shadow

The Sextant in Shadow

The Sextant in Shadow

An old bounty returned from the #theHulls past, lurking around their hidden lair, searching for the Sextant in Shadow. The Hull’s concern for their lair’s security struggled against their curiosity to know more about the Sextant. And now they’re finally on the verge of its discovery. This is what they can find.


The Sextant in Shadow has a large curved piece, one-sixth of a circle, nearly two hand spans at its broadest, made from darkly etched bone and bronze. Mounted on this are numerous polished lens, mirrored silvers, gears, toggles, crosshairs, scaled markings and other paraphernalia. It is chill to touch, with a faint pulse felt if you hold your breath and still your own. It has a small Makers plate: Tyrnkerian Companions. A grubbier engraving shows it was once the property of Milos Atah. It appears flecked by shifting shadows, even in the strongest light.

Ghostfield observation: In the ghostfield, the other five parts of the Sextant can be seen. The whole can be likened to a helix of sextants, spiralling out at impossible angles from the physical sixth. Gathered from anecdotes, talking with ghosts and others who’ve seen it, and through direct ghostfield observation.


This must be one of the last remaining mechanisms crafted by Tyrnkerian Companions. Records of the Companions have been rare since ___. They were known as master alchemists and mechanists, and their creations are sought by mariners, occultists, scholars and criminals. This Sextant was salvaged from the ship Blood Rose when it floated close to Doskvol, abandoned and scuttled at sea. From there the Sextant made its way into the black market inventory of the Hive, where it disappeared some __ years ago, only to reappear recently in the hands of ___.

Info for the gathering

Rumour: The Sextant can be held and controlled by a living body or a ghost, in more or less the same manner. Gathered from stories about the Hive theft, the Blood Rose and other tall tales.

Experimentation: By correct adjustment and use (of its physical instrumentation) the Sextant can allow the user to attune with the ghostfield and to perceive spirits and ghosts. Gathered from exploring histories of the Tyrnkerian Companions, journals of users and scholars, and through direct experimentation.

Design research: Broadly, the Sextant is designed to find shortcuts in the ghostfield that can be traversed. Technically, this involves a non-Euclidean transformation of the planar angle between an object and a referential constellation. In practice this requires using the Sextant (along with astrotidal charts, etc.) to:

– sight a destination point in the physical realm, typically an object visible from a distance

– sight a reference point, such as a constellation submerged in a large body of water

– correctly adjust all six parts of the sextant, both the physical sextant and its five counterparts in the ghost field, and

– make calculations referring to tabulations and predictive charts.

The end result is effectively sighting/calculating electroplasmic pathways to the destination that skip the intervening space and can be traversed by ghosts and other disembodied things. Gathered from technical manuals, reverse engineering studies, crib notes and journals of use, and through extensive research and study.

Occult ritual: There have been occult rituals performed that used similar instruments as a key component, that led to aspects of forgotten gods manifesting in the physical realm. This required sacrificing souls and overcharging the instruments, typically destroying them. This is perhaps one reason such masterworks of the Tyrnkerian Companions are rare. Gathered from the inner circles of secret societies and cults, Faustian bargains with demonic beings, listening to predictions of doom and the end days.


Traversing the electroplasmic pathways calculated by the Sextant has been described as turning a corner that’s not there, walking through a reflection of the world, paper-thin, sharp, and vast.