In case your looking for floorplans. Awesome stuff.

In case your looking for floorplans. Awesome stuff.

In case your looking for floorplans. Awesome stuff.

Originally shared by Dyson Logos

Updated the Maps page and the Commercial Maps page on the blog to be up to date again (finally).

398 Maps linked to from the Maps Page.

60 Maps (free for commercial use, re-use, and remixing) on the Commercial Maps Page.

This is certainly en vouge in a city full of ghosts, vampires surrounded by an ink black sea full of demons.

This is certainly en vouge in a city full of ghosts, vampires surrounded by an ink black sea full of demons.

This is certainly en vouge in a city full of ghosts, vampires surrounded by an ink black sea full of demons.

John Harper Will the next release be a v7 of the beta or the first release of the “real” game?

John Harper Will the next release be a v7 of the beta or the first release of the “real” game?

John Harper Will the next release be a v7 of the beta or the first release of the “real” game?

Question about advancing attributes/actions. Just want to make sure that I understood that correctly:

Question about advancing attributes/actions. Just want to make sure that I understood that correctly:

Question about advancing attributes/actions. Just want to make sure that I understood that correctly:

There are only two ways to get a tick in the attribute track:

1. Desperate roll with this attribute

2. Training the attribute as a downtime action

For 2. you need the Crew Upgrade for the attribute first.


I ask because advancement came up and playbook advance seems to be a looooot easier than attributes. All the quirks, the vice stuff, good roleplaying counts towards the playbook and only the precious downtime actions (mainly needed for Vice and Recover) are available for the attributes.

Question about Crew Advancement and Coins:

Question about Crew Advancement and Coins:

Question about Crew Advancement and Coins:

Gaining Level 1 cost newLevel x 4 Coints = 4 Coins

Every Crew Member gets 1 coin (+2 per crew tier) as a bonus payment. I assume that the crew tier used here is the old tier, so gaining Level 1 tier brings 1 coin per Crew Member.

So the advancement is free of cost when youre crew has 4 members or more.

It get’s even better advancing to Level 2:

Cost = 2 x 4 = 8 Coins

Crew Member Payments = 1+2 = 3 Coin per member.

so you only need 3 members in the crew to pay for the advancement and you still have 1 coin for the party.

This seems odd to me. Yes, you need to have the money to get it back as a bonus, but is that as intended?

Do I miss something?

Critical with zero dice possible or not?

Critical with zero dice possible or not?

Critical with zero dice possible or not?

We had our second session last night and we had some rolls with zero dice (= 2d lowest result) and a double 6 came up. In a normal roll this would be a critical and I ruled it as that. I was in the mood the give my players this favour of the gods as sheer and pure luck.

Is this as intented or are there no criticals with zero dice.

Finally: My first posting under “Actual Play Reports”.

Finally: My first posting under “Actual Play Reports”.

Finally: My first posting under “Actual Play Reports”. We did our first session last week and it was great fun even though it was a bit (expected) confusing.

It took very long to create the PCs because I wanted to describe the background a bit. This “bit” took ~ 1h because I explained the setting a lot (… industrial fantasy, but with ghost/demons/vampires, but with elektroplasma, but with X and Y). Then I tried to explain the “special” rules to my old-school players (… flashbacks and Group Actions, Fiction-First, no Combat Initiative and did I mentioned flashbacks! Wow!)

Then finally we did the characters and the crew and then I had a group of suprised players when I told them that they’re already in Bazo’s office. They had a hard time coping with that. We did not manage to finish the score and go to downtime because we had a break after 3 hours of playtime. We’ll see how this will work out.

BUT: It was great. All my three (stressed) players said it was great and they’re all curious how say will manage to climb to the top in Doskvol (no doubt about the if)

Question to anyone who played the Lampblacks vs. Red Sashes start: Did anyone of your players took the “yep, we’re here to murder Bazo using a flash back” option? My players were REALLY relieved when I said that this is only an option and they don’t have to. Short planning will be a challenge to them 🙂

As a GM I had some hard times thumbing through the papers (situation front, rules in the middle, score somewhere in the back) and I decided to create my own cheat sheet for the next session.

Did a visualization of Allies/Enemies relations, taking the data from v6. Will be updated when new data is available.

Did a visualization of Allies/Enemies relations, taking the data from v6. Will be updated when new data is available.

Did a visualization of Allies/Enemies relations, taking the data from v6. Will be updated when new data is available.

It seems they all hate the Spirits Wardens. Must be very lonely to be one 😉

I wrote abount using pinterest als source of inspiration.

I wrote abount using pinterest als source of inspiration.

I wrote abount using pinterest als source of inspiration.

Seems I searched for the “wrong” key words ’til now. I tried “victorian” and “architecture” for the buildings. Now, I know I should have used “abondoned” and/or “decay” instead for the buildings. Wow! Great stuff again for inspiration on descriptions and plot lines. Some cool walls for this topic already there to explore. Awesome.

As I have missed the kickstarter and with that the scoundrel portrait by John, I had to do my own.

As I have missed the kickstarter and with that the scoundrel portrait by John, I had to do my own.

As I have missed the kickstarter and with that the scoundrel portrait by John, I had to do my own. Looks like a tinkerer / Leech to me, what do you think?

BTW my kids are still laughing 🙂