Critical with zero dice possible or not?

Critical with zero dice possible or not?

Critical with zero dice possible or not?

We had our second session last night and we had some rolls with zero dice (= 2d lowest result) and a double 6 came up. In a normal roll this would be a critical and I ruled it as that. I was in the mood the give my players this favour of the gods as sheer and pure luck.

Is this as intented or are there no criticals with zero dice.

13 thoughts on “Critical with zero dice possible or not?”

  1. Neil Smith to have a cool and memorable moment in the story? The chance is 2,7% to have a double six with two dice. That will not happen very often.

    Looks like Bilbo Beutlin had that a lot 🙂

    Don’t get my wrong: My inner rule lawyer says that you’re right, but the story weaver says “let’s see what will happen” and the faces of the professionals are priceless

  2. This has come up here before and it was generally accepted that as no dots in a Action results in’ 2 dice take the lowest’ there is no possibility of generating a critical from a zero dice Action.

  3. I feel that it really depends on the feel you want to achieve – more gritty or more actioney. I myself was thinking about letting players buy critical success on zero dice with Stress expenditure.

  4. Per RAW you can’t: if you could, you couldn’t have a normal success with 0d (since a normal success would also require two 6s in order to have a 6 as the lowest result).

  5. I would never rule the same as you did.

    FWIW, My reasoning for this is to avoid players scoring critical success when there is no skill (which would likely be viewed as broken by someone who has only one dot), and more to the point, to preserve the spirit of the game being about roleplaying as scrappy rogues.

  6. My personal opinion: Sometimes it’s even better to have no skill at all instead of just a little skill:

    Everbody knew it was impossible. And then there came this guy who did not know this and he just did it.

    My conclusion: You’re all right and I will judge every situation if a good story come from it. Story first.

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