I’ve been meaning to play this game since I preordered but my gaming group didn’t seem interested.

I’ve been meaning to play this game since I preordered but my gaming group didn’t seem interested.

I’ve been meaning to play this game since I preordered but my gaming group didn’t seem interested. Our DnD GM called out sick at the last minute yesterday and I had printed out the rules (the 7.1 version), so I just started up a game. Character and crew creation went smoothly and I think everyone had an easy time of it, some players trickled in and I was able to quickly catch them up to speed. I was able to run a quick mission and downtime with no prep and being a bit shaky on the rules (it had been a few months since I read them). All of that took about 3 hours…not bad at all for the first time for all of us. I’m definitely going to try and run it again, and am looking forward to the book!

I’m really excited about this game.

I’m really excited about this game.

I’m really excited about this game. Just a stylistic comment looking at 7.1. The action roll quick reference chart is a really cool way to quickly present that mechanic and it’s used a few times…but it lists “1d for each action dot” and “+1d if you push yourself or take a devil’s bargain.” then nothing else. Teamwork seems like a pretty simple concept to explain and an easy way to add another +1, why isn’t it also listed there? Also it’s not really clear how items work, or what makes a fine blade better than a regular blade – my understanding is it might give better position if one person’s weapon is better quality, but it would be nice to see that explained in the position section. Thanks for the great game and looking forward to the final release!