I’ve been meaning to play this game since I preordered but my gaming group didn’t seem interested.

I’ve been meaning to play this game since I preordered but my gaming group didn’t seem interested.

I’ve been meaning to play this game since I preordered but my gaming group didn’t seem interested. Our DnD GM called out sick at the last minute yesterday and I had printed out the rules (the 7.1 version), so I just started up a game. Character and crew creation went smoothly and I think everyone had an easy time of it, some players trickled in and I was able to quickly catch them up to speed. I was able to run a quick mission and downtime with no prep and being a bit shaky on the rules (it had been a few months since I read them). All of that took about 3 hours…not bad at all for the first time for all of us. I’m definitely going to try and run it again, and am looking forward to the book!

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