roll20 character sheets for #aFistfulOfDarkness
First Release:
Note, that all pictures are loaded from my (slow) google-drive. You have to be patient. Feedback is welcome and I hope you find them useful.

Here you go. I added the github link above. Feedback is welcome and I hope you find them useful.
Maybe I’m too dumb to edit the pictures in this post… I just wanted to add the Posse Sheet with the latest look. Deleted from the original post I’m not able to add it there, so I append it to the comment
Forgot to praise +Jakob for his excellent Blade Templates. Without them and his patient support my sheets wouldn’t be possible. Thanks!
Awesome! Can’t wait to use these on Saturday. Do you know how to implement them into Roll20? Im not sure how to load custom playbooks
Antimatter Yes, I did that a zillion times while editing/testing them 🙂
First, you need a Pro Account at roll20, because only Pros are allowed to use Custom Sheets. Open the game, go to game settings, choose custom sheets.
You’ll see 4 tabs (translation, html, css, preview).
Download my files and open translation, html and css in an text editor. Copy&paste the content of html to html tap, css to css tap, translation to translation tap. Yes, there is no file select- or upload-all-function, you need to do it text-based. Save content (button below).
Now, that your game and the sheets should show up there.
Hope you have a cool game on saturday!