roll20 character sheets for #aFistfulOfDarkness

roll20 character sheets for #aFistfulOfDarkness

roll20 character sheets for #aFistfulOfDarkness

First Release:

Note, that all pictures are loaded from my (slow) google-drive. You have to be patient. Feedback is welcome and I hope you find them useful.

6 thoughts on “roll20 character sheets for #aFistfulOfDarkness”

  1. Antimatter Yes, I did that a zillion times while editing/testing them 🙂

    First, you need a Pro Account at roll20, because only Pros are allowed to use Custom Sheets. Open the game, go to game settings, choose custom sheets.

    You’ll see 4 tabs (translation, html, css, preview).

    Download my files and open translation, html and css in an text editor. Copy&paste the content of html to html tap, css to css tap, translation to translation tap. Yes, there is no file select- or upload-all-function, you need to do it text-based. Save content (button below).

    Now, that your game and the sheets should show up there.

    Hope you have a cool game on saturday!

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