I haven´t found many info about the severos´s people would you like to share anything you have? i´ll appreciate it.

I haven´t found many info about the severos´s people would you like to share anything you have? i´ll appreciate it.

I haven´t found many info about the severos´s people would you like to share anything you have? i´ll appreciate it.

5 thoughts on “I haven´t found many info about the severos´s people would you like to share anything you have? i´ll appreciate it.”

  1. The Severosi are nomadic horse-tribes scattered across the deathlands. Think of Khal Drogo and friends from GoT, if you like, but spookier. They tend to be dark skinned and brown haired. In our campaign, they tend toward the Whisper and Hound archetypes, with certain tribes having communed with the spirits of the deathlands to cultivate “spirit animals”, which to outside eyes appear as hunting pets.

    Having dealt with deathlands spirits in close quarters for so long outside the lightning barriers, Severosi tend to excel in confrontations with the spirits.

    Some Severosi tribes were involved in the Unity War, most notably the Silver Nails, a company of mercenaries who fought for the Empire, and the Duskwoven, whose outpost amidst the ruins of an ancient temple in northern Severos was commandeered as a staging area for Imperial forces bound for Skovlan.

  2. As for what’s in the book, there are also several Severosi port cities along the coast .

    Then, for my game, stylistically they’re less Mongol horde, and more a mix of Romani and spaghetti western. Also, due to many of them living outside of any sort of walls, they’re the only nation to farm free-range foods, although most of it is not allowed within Doskvol on account of possible contamination. My crew once had to sell a crate of smuggled Severosi meats and cheeses to a high end brothel.

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