Scum and Villainy questions here.

Scum and Villainy questions here.

Scum and Villainy questions here. One Could we get a table of contents? I know it is a work in progress but I am gonna be flyin’ that ship in August. Would help a lot.

And…What about a Scum and Villainy G+ group? Would someone be willing to have that? Someone in the know.

5 thoughts on “Scum and Villainy questions here.”

  1. Yes. We have an index, toc, digital bookmarks and hyperlinks. (I’d expect a new version soon).

    There’s some business side things that are being coordinated through before the physical copy preorders and new pdf’s are live.

    But soon.

  2. Me too! There’s apparently an advance copy at Origins, and most of my friends are taking photos with it and sending them to me (I’m a tiny bit jealous, but also really excited for it!) ^_~ But soon! Real soon!

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