Here it is: the first public release of my Twin Peaks & Silent Hill-inspired Blades in the Dark hack/Forged in the…

Here it is: the first public release of my Twin Peaks & Silent Hill-inspired Blades in the Dark hack/Forged in the…

Here it is: the first public release of my Twin Peaks & Silent Hill-inspired Blades in the Dark hack/Forged in the Dark game, No Place Like Home. This version is just the core of my game; I wanted to strip it down to its essence and I’m very proud of what came as a result. I’ve included my attempt at a dyslexia-accessible version in the post as well. Enjoy!

5 thoughts on “Here it is: the first public release of my Twin Peaks & Silent Hill-inspired Blades in the Dark hack/Forged in the…”

  1. Adam Minnie X-Com, you say? I really love X-Com (new, and what I remember of the old). I’m curious why you think so but I’m glad to have provided inspiration regardless!

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