My qualms from the first session were almost totally erased here in session two. As I suspected, things felt especially gamey because we were pretty rushed for time after character creation.
This time, we spent almost half of our session in Free Play. We had a chance to ease into roleplay, interact as PCs, introduce a few hooks, and Gather Information before we jumped into the Score. This makes two sessions in a row when the party split up for the whole Score, but it wasn’t too complicated to manage in play.
I find I’m especially enjoying the Downtime phase and faction-level play. The Factions of Doskvol and Campaign Tracker pages from the digital Player’s Kit are near-perfect tools for staying organized, and the way character/crew playbooks and faction relationships build stories from scratch is deeply cool. On the one hand, it’s delightful that I don’t have to do any GM prep before the game. On the other hand, flying by the seat of my pants with a brand-new-to-me game gets hectic! Looking forward to building up some additional system mastery.
Originally shared by Eli Kurtz
#TableSelfie from session 2 of our Blades in the Dark #Campaign! Our crew of Hawkers decide they sell poisons (specifically not drugs) and they were joined by a new scoundrel, and Skovlander Hound from the frontier of his homeland.
The Hawkers heard a rumor that prostitutes and pleasure houses in Crow’s Foot were being possessed by rogue spirits. Our Slide is connected to that world thanks to his Vice for Pleasure, so he convinced the rest of the crew to investigate with them. They infiltrated the lair of a Path of Echoes cell in a Nightmarket mausoleum. They ended up finding a plot to bring Roric, the recently deceased leader of The Crows, back into the world as a ghost!
Thanks to PK Sullivan, newcomer Marshall Jacobson, Eric Simon, and Graham Ziolkowski for another great game!