Two quick Glow in the Dark questions!

Two quick Glow in the Dark questions!

Two quick Glow in the Dark questions!

1) What is “thump” referring to in the Junker’s “Percussive Maintenance” ability? Is it some move I missed or simply literally thumping something? I assume the latter but wanted to be sure.

2) EDITED: Because it was a dumb question that I knew the answer to but derped and I don’t want to possibly confuse anyone else with it. My bad. 🤫

2 thoughts on “Two quick Glow in the Dark questions!”

  1. 1. Thump means do like Han Solo and actually hit the thing to get it to work. Here’s Peter Stormare using Percussive Maintenance. – THIS IS HOW WE FIX PROBLEMS ON RUSSIAN SPACE STATION!!!!!!

    2. Pushing yourself lets you add +1d or increase effect. Last One Standing lets you adjust postion of the roll (from desperate back to risky forex) or increase scale along with that. You might not be as risk-averse as some players, so moving back up the position slider may not seem like a huge deal. There might be a better way to model the fighter who leaps into the claw hammers of the enemy but comes out alive on the other side. Change it! (and let me know how it works!)

  2. It was that “thump” was in bold, that’s all. I love the whole “smack the TV” thing!

    As far as the other bit…

    Total brain fart on the Position and Effect! And I know that shit. Damn, that’s embarrassing…😒. Thanks for the thump upside my head, Adam.

    See what I just did? Shit works, yo. 😁

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