I recently had the odd experience of playing in a session of a hack I’m writing.

I recently had the odd experience of playing in a session of a hack I’m writing.

I recently had the odd experience of playing in a session of a hack I’m writing. Made further odd by the fact that I haven’t yet tried GMing it at all. So, I got to hop straight from my text to another GM’s interpretation of my text.

Here’s the hack itself: https://www.dropbox.com/s/warz5k5u8t9syei/0.2.Arx.Mysteria.Core.pdf?dl=0

And the playbooks: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1oxqv8my7mb5z8l/0.2.Schola.Arx.Mysteria.Playbooks.pdf?dl=0

Schola Arx Mysteria is basically Harry Potter mashed together with Howl’s Moving Castle. Players play students at a magic academy in a quaint city in the year before the outbreak of an apocalyptic world war. Students explore the magical world while trying to dodge imperial recruiters and overcome the expectations of their teachers. If they’re very lucky, and careful, they may even uncover the key to averting THE COMING WAR.

My next step is to figure out what I want the crew/campaign level gameplay to look like. I don’t think having multiple crew types makes a lot sense for this genre. But, a GM playbook with some predefined clocks could work well.


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