So the Grinders got their warship.

So the Grinders got their warship.

So the Grinders got their warship. I’m thinking they took it at sea (it was surprisingly easy… I wonder if someone just let them commandeer it?).

Anyway, the warship’s been refit and provisioned at the old North Port just outside the lightning barrier. Now they just need to get the crew aboard and off to Lockport. Logistical & tactical necessity requires this be done all at once rather than the piecemeal preparations that have been done up to this point. More than a three-hundred tasty souls, through the deathlands, aboard and off into the ink before the port authorities know what’s what.

The Grinders are going to ask the crew for help with this dilemma. It’s a good time for it because the city is pretty chaotic right now.

How do your rogues get in and out of the city? How do you get a large number out in short order? Are there ways to circumvent the barrier without endangering Doskvol? What have you seen along these lines?

One thought on “So the Grinders got their warship.”

  1. The exact nature of the barrier was left vague on purpose so depending on the properties you assign to it you could:

    – Walk right through it: If it’s assumed most people who want to live long lives wouldn’t voluntarily leave the barrier then there might not be a reason to keep people from passing through…

    – Create a small semi-permanent hole: using a spark craft contraption, rituals, Attune, etc.

    – Use a specially rigged vehicle that keeps its passengers safe when passing between

    – Temporarily shut down sections of the barrier

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