Hi guys and gals!

Hi guys and gals!

Hi guys and gals! I have some questions about the rules. I was reading the donwtime sections and some doubts arose. Specifically, what is the purspoise of the prision claims? and about entaglements, what if the players want to do something about the problems that arise? Can they roll dices? Use stress? Have a flashback?

Thank you!

8 thoughts on “Hi guys and gals!”

  1. Since it’s part of the game that at times members of your team will go to Ironhook, the prison claims are there to fold in some results for the time the PC spends away from the main story.

    For entanglements, if you can come up with a fiction to deal with a problem, then of course you can roll dice/push yourself/use a flashback. Just looking at sample Entanglements, I see examples of “try to escape” and “deal with it another way.” The problems exist due to the Entanglements roll, but how your crew deals with them is flexible.

  2. I’m actually starting to build my Spider specifically to go to prison every time our wanted level reaches 2. With a few claims and the Ironhook Contacts and Jailbird advantages, you can use Ironhook as a strategy to acquire more territory than would normally be available to your crew and to improve your faction status with other criminal gangs

  3. The great thing about Blades is that everything has a positive as well as a negative side. So, Ironhook can leave you traumatized and it’s a bad place but as Vincent Eaton said, you can play it as your special instrument, too. In the end, cool stories will come from it.

    Entanglements are there to show that the crew has a past which keeps biting them. This will keep the players going. We have entanglements which don’t get much focus (because noone of the players is interested in playing them for too long. Just roll the dice, pay your coin, etc. and be done) and others which will bring 2-3 scores as a result. It’s up to the group which one gets focus and which not.

  4. Thanks guys

    So, prision claims are like any other claims just that you can only access them when you are in prision. I understand that who is in prision need to do.some score to claim one of them right?

    About entaglemebts my question is because downtime is a phase where characters recover they resources, so, It sounds strange to me if it’s necessary to spend resources during that phase. Maybe entaglements must be resolved during free play?

  5. You don’t necessarily need a score to get prison claims, you get them when you roll a 6 on your incarceration roll.

    Entanglements happen as a part of downtime, and the fact that they will probably end up costing resources is one of the aspects that make them so unfair. You resolve them whenever they come up, either using the rules provided (pay X Coin to make it go away) or using some other method (which probably means some kind of rolls in free play).

    Downtime and free play do not need to happen sequentially – they can totally be interspersed, where you have a few downtime actions, then some stuff that is handled in free play, then some more downtime actions, etc. So the distinction on when exactly entanglements happen is somewhat meaningless.

  6. Jakob Oesinghaus crits aren’t easy on a prison roll, but when you have a couple claims, a decent tier rating, and advantages for extra dice, you can make them much more likely. Critting that roll grants you another crew type’s claim, so you can expand the kind of crime your crew can manage really quickly

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