I recently caught on that there are tons of Blades in the Dark hacks out there and am real interested in a lot of…

I recently caught on that there are tons of Blades in the Dark hacks out there and am real interested in a lot of…

I recently caught on that there are tons of Blades in the Dark hacks out there and am real interested in a lot of them.

Are there any updates on Blades Against Darkness? As far as I can tell, the last updates on here are from about a year ago. I’ve been looking for an alternative to Dungeon World for a PBTA fantasy-type game, so I’d really like to see this get released ^-^ #BladesAgainstDarkness

4 thoughts on “I recently caught on that there are tons of Blades in the Dark hacks out there and am real interested in a lot of…”

  1. Lots of the hacks that were in the KS as stretch goals have yet to be completed as many of then could not be started until the core rules were finished (they changed a lot during the time between the KS ending and the release of the core book). Evil Hat may well have the rights to published those when they become available, if they don’t stay pdf only.

  2. There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.

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