Ordered the first print proof of Glow in the Dark!

Ordered the first print proof of Glow in the Dark!

Ordered the first print proof of Glow in the Dark! I’m excited, although I know that there’ll be a need for at least three proofs. This first one I already know isn’t correct, plus who knows what mechanical printing errors are waiting for me (bleeds and so on). Just because I got the file format correct doesn’t meant the book is right. The second proof will probably be invalidated after I’ve ordered it and while I’m waiting for it to ship. I’ll find some typo somewhere or a wrong page number reference (if I’m lucky). That leaves the third proof as the earliest “final” version. Not that I really know what I’m talking about; I’ve never done this before.


One thought on “Ordered the first print proof of Glow in the Dark!”

  1. Yay! Meeting the minimum technical specifications for print just means that it’s literally possible to print that file as is, not that it’ll print well much less that it’s an effective design for print.

    Mark up that first proof! Get some one else to look at it in meat space! Look at it in different lighting!

    Let me know if you have any further issues with printing!

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