I saw this image and thought of this thing running around in Duskvol.

I saw this image and thought of this thing running around in Duskvol.

I saw this image and thought of this thing running around in Duskvol. Probably it’s not pen ink spewing from its noggin.

Originally shared by Sarah Perry-Shipp

Ink Demons are the source of Writer’s Block


3 thoughts on “I saw this image and thought of this thing running around in Duskvol.”

  1. Ink Demons make deals with would-be writers in Duskvol. The demons open the writers’ minds to the strange far realms that the demons call home; this allows the writers to imagine impossible things that no others can see. The stories they write are the penny dreadfuls of the city: strange, tawdry, taboo and very popular.

    Of course, this opening goes both ways. When a writer’s works become popular enough, when enough people can see the demon’s home in their minds, the demon is able to enter this world. When it does, it hollows out the writer’s body, wearing their skin and bleeding ink.

    The most threatening aspect, though, is the final thing they take from the writers they ensnare. Vestiges of the stories they dreamed up are brought into reality with the demon.

    So each one is different, and the only way to research one and find out more is to read their books and weaken the walls to their realm even further.

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