ITMEJP Blades gone?

ITMEJP Blades gone?

ITMEJP Blades gone?

Did the ITMEJP Blades game go away? Haven’t seen it in awhile and didn’t see it scheduled on the ITMEJP calendar.

If it has can anyone recommend another good actual play series? I found that one to be instrumental to me understanding some of the game mechanics and seeing them in actual use during a game helped a lot. Many an Ah Ha! moment was had.

6 thoughts on “ITMEJP Blades gone?”

  1. They just made an announcement on the community site today, while they are working towards wrapping up rollplay blades and giving it a series finale unfortunately they’ve been unable to get the entire cast together due to various reasons. With con season approaching Wheat will be busier than before so they don’t want to make any promises about when they’ll be able to come back next. But it appears the intention is still to come back and wrap it up they’re just unable to facilitate it at the moment.

  2. A friend just recommended an actual play called [INSERT QUEST HERE]. It’s pretty good, and the intro session is really nice as when they get to a new mechanic, the GM will stop and work it through for the player and the listener.

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