7 thoughts on “Lair Inside Ironhook?”

  1. I imagine a crew of Ironhook inmates, in for life, sneaking out, pulling off heists, hiding the loot, then getting back into the prison before anyone notices they are gone. Heat comes from the Guards rather than the bluecoats directly, other gangs cause problems from within the prison, and jail time to reduce heat is done via solitary or some other kind of high-watch separation from the rest of the crew.

  2. Maybe a crew of inmates children who grew up in Ironhook as part of their mother’s sentence. They should know the prison inside/out because it was their playground and they were able to go (nearly) everywhere because the wardens didn’t see them as a threat. Now, they are grown up and they have enough knowledge about Ironhook (Building and people) to pull this off. The Wardens know what they are doing but with enough blackmail and the tithe they are happy to look the other way.

  3. Stefan Struck Made a Spider called Male Prisoner #586327 (AKA: The Kid) who’s mother died in child birth at Iron Hook and was raised inside the prison. Was kind of where I got the idea that he would want to keep his lair there. Was raised by all the inmates and educated by them as well so he’s very crime savvy even though he’s only 16.

  4. Check the faction pages! This is exactly how Tarvul runs the Billhooks, it’s implied that there is some kind of working agreement between Tarvul and the Bluecoats (they are allied) that allows him to continue doing his gang business at will from within Ironhook.

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