13 thoughts on “Soon.”

  1. Thanks guys!

    Um… how do I even physical copy? ๐Ÿ™‚ This swerved really quickly from “Look at what my cool artist friend did” into “noob rpg publishing”. It seems fairly straightforward to create an account on drivethrurpg for POD purposes. The tricky part is who do I talk to in order to make sure any document I put up there has the correct acknowledgements/licenses/things I don’t know about? Is this a Sean Nittner question?

    Is the answer still “Wait for the BitD SRD”?

    Second question: When you only have Google Docs to work with and you’re not looking to subscribe to Indesign, what’s a good alternative to settle on? Devil’s Bargain: Ask the internet an opinion-based question.

  2. Adam Schwaningerโ€‹ you can subscribe to Adobe CC for a single app for about $40 per month to get InDesign. I understand that’s not great but also isn’t terrible. I use and have only ever used InDesign for my work so I can’t advise on alternatives but it really is unparalleled for getting a publication together. Maybe your artist friend or someone you know could help out?

  3. Adam Schwaninger on a budget, PowerPoint can actually work ok for this sort of stuff. It’s by no means perfect and not at all it’s intended use, but it makes ok layout software and then you can just print it to PDF. Not sure if it will work for actual publishing though.

  4. For Blades hacking, yeah, the SRD will have you covered. It should be ready fairly soon.

    For layout, I know some people like Scribus, which is free, I believe.

  5. (you don’t need to wait on the SRD to keep working on your thing. it won’t disrupt what you’re doing at all, I’d wager. it’ll just give you the blanket license to use the Blades mechanics in your work)

  6. John Harper: Sorry if this question has been asked before. Is there a FAQ on whether/how to use your licence and mechanics? My friends and I are interested in creating a “Blades in the dark” hack. But we are unsure what we can create and are allowed to publish, which is long way off… we are just spinning ideas around. So we wanted to ask beforehand. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Yes, that info will be included in the SRD which will be hosted on the Blades page at Evil Hat.

    Basically, you’ll be able to use Blades mechanics and portions of the text in your own projects.

  8. Thanks for the fast response. We are very interested in the mechanics and whether we can create a dynasty

    focused city manager rpg out of it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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