What’s the load of a gadget for a non-Leech?

What’s the load of a gadget for a non-Leech?

What’s the load of a gadget for a non-Leech? I ask this because anyone can make a gadget, but only the Leech has a space on their playbook for them. And, more specifically, if they’re usually just 1 load anyhow, isn’t having a dedicated space for gadgets on the Leech’s playbook just a waste of a playbook specific item? I certainly seems that way to me, but there’s a very good chance I’m simply missing something. Any answers from any authorities on the matter would be great!

Maybe it’s that non-Leeches can only bring a single gadget, while a Leech can bring as many as their load allows? (“Gadgets” on the aforementioned playbook seem to work the same way as “Veteran” advances in that you’re not actually limited to just three.) Then again, that seems a bit arbitrary and/or counter intuitive, but who knows.

6 thoughts on “What’s the load of a gadget for a non-Leech?”

  1. The playbooks are laid out to help new players because they highlight the theme of the playbooks while expediting play. While they imply niche protection, there’s actually no such thing in Blades.

    p 71 states that gadgets are 1 Load each, Leech or otherwise.

  2. Ariel Cayce Thanks for the page number. But yeah, I’m well aware that playbook specific items aren’t locked to each playbook. However, it often takes coin or downtime actions to acquire items outside of one’s playbook, so I still think it’s a waste of space. Or, to put it in game terms, a waste of resources/convenience.

  3. Kelly Jolliffe, if you feel a Leech would be better served with something other than Gadget, I recommend have those three slots be 0 load spots for gadgets they create only. It’s a nice balancing aspect and gives a small boost. As far as how much each gadget takes, it depends on what you feel is appropriate. A gas-powered line-launcher might be 1 where a Ghostbusters-style trap might be 2, etc.

  4. Ben Liepis Interesting idea with the free load on Leech gadgets; definitely something to consider. And I agree that there’s surely room for gadgets that are more than one load. Also, for what it’s worth, the lack of an item “slot” hasn’t dissuaded me from playing a Leech — they’re plenty of fun as is. I just thought their being an outlier in this way was a bit odd.

  5. I straight up just added the Leech’s “Gadget” item to my Whisper’s playbook when it became clear she intended to craft dozens of arcane doodads to use on scores. It just seemed like a time-saver.

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