Resisting harm and armor:

Resisting harm and armor:

Resisting harm and armor:

When you tick off armor, are you still allowed to roll to resist the harm, it specifies that you can’t roll to resist more than once on page 32 in the Blades rulebook, and in armor it says that the armor can be used to replace a roll, so does the rule still apply?

I know that they’ve been doing both in Rollplay: Blades, and since the GM created the game, it seems to me like it’s okay by the rules, but I figure I’d ask.

Thank you!

5 thoughts on “Resisting harm and armor:”

  1. I was under the impression that checking an armour box entirely took the place of rolling for stress. That is, you lose one armour box, avoid the consequence, and take no stress.

    PDF page 33

    “If you have a type of armor that applies to the situation, you can mark an armor

    box to reduce or avoid a consequence, instead of rolling to resist.”

    Directly below that it notes you can use an additional armour box (if you have heavy armour) to FURTHER reduce a given consequence, but nothing about rolling and taking stress as well.

    Is it possible that in Rollplay: Blades they are actually resisting MULTIPLE consequences when they seem to be using both? For example (borrowed from the book) if you have the consequences “You get stabbed” AND “the badguy gets away”, you could resist the stabbing with armour and the escaping baddie with a roll/stress.

  2. What we do on Rollplay isn’t always the default game rule. Sometimes I wish it was, to avoid confusion like this. Then again, customizing the game for your group is also a rule. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I came here to clarify something but I guess the comment was deleted, but the email version I get sticks around? That seems like a troublesome feature.

    Anyway I DID find the passage in the book I was thinking of, and wanted to mention it anyway in case I look like just a rambling lunatic. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s on PDF page 32 (right NEXT to where I was looking the other day)

    The GM may also threaten several consequences at once, then the player may

    choose which ones to resist (and make rolls for each).

    โ€œShe stabs you and then leaps off the balcony. Level 2 harm and you lose the

    opportunity to catch her with fighting.โ€

    โ€œIโ€™ll resist losing the opportunity by grappling her as she attacks. She can stab

    me, but I donโ€™t want to let her escape.โ€

  4. I tend to run it like in RollPlay: Blades, just because it makes sense to me. Why would I not also dodge out of the way when my armour gets hit? Do whatever makes the most sense/makes the game most dramatic/fun for your group.

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