5 thoughts on “Just wondering.”

  1. My inclination is that if they drop out of the crew, they become an NPC just like all the other NPCs on their new crew. Blades is about a group of people in one gang, cooperating with or without clenched teeth; if you’re not part of that one gang, you’re not a PC.

  2. It could depend on the situation I suppose. If a character wants go undercover within a different crew somehow, I can see that happening. If a player wants to move from the Thursday night group and their crew to the Tuesday night group and their crew and still play the same character, I don’t see a problem with that. But as James says, if the player wants their character to leave the crew the rest of the players are in then it seems like that character would be retired to an NPC.

    I’m having trouble picturing the situation to be honest.

  3. If you’re running a game with multiple PC crews, like an open table or troupe game, I don’t see why not. Just strip any of the benefits from the previous crew type, potentially a skill dot being the most significant, and insert them into another PC crew.

    I don’t like the idea of the PCs being split between PC and NPC crews, though. If you REALLY want to be the Fog Hounds, befriend, absorb, or conquer them. Don’t “split the party” in that way since it’ll confuse scores.

  4. Thanks.. it was just a random thought really… More about “joining an already established gang” than anything else -> like a newcomer to the city being recruited by a gang… of course that led to the thought of a member of a gang being headhunted by another gang.

  5. I’ve been prepping my “pitch” doc to my players (five new to role playing save for our eight session D&D5 campaign), and I have a large note about this:

    The Crew is All. The players are playing the Crew’s character sheet, and their characters are just extensions of the Crew. If a character joins another crew (or goes to jail, or goes on a vice bender, or whatever), they stop being relevant until they return to the Crew. Until then, they are just NPCs that we’re fond of.

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