My crew picked smugglers, then their preferred cargo type as Arcane/Weird, with a specific interest in the illicit…

My crew picked smugglers, then their preferred cargo type as Arcane/Weird, with a specific interest in the illicit…

My crew picked smugglers, then their preferred cargo type as Arcane/Weird, with a specific interest in the illicit corpse trade (the Leech saw Eckerd on their sheet and thought “that seems like a profitable enterprise”). I’ve got some vague ideas for opportunities already, but tell me for fun, who wants a corpse or two in Duskwall, right the hell now?

5 thoughts on “My crew picked smugglers, then their preferred cargo type as Arcane/Weird, with a specific interest in the illicit…”

  1. Off the top of my head, the Reconciled makes the most sense. They probably want bodies they can possess. But anybody with occult leanings would work. Circle of Flame. Dimmer sisters. The horde.

  2. I guess part of it is people who want to be given a new body, but the flipside of the trade is people who don’t want their own bodies falling into the hands of the authorities… kinda Doskvol funeral insurance racket?

  3. Yeah, also you might have anatomists looking for bodies to dissect. And you would of course have several parts of the human body supposed to be remedies for common and not-so-common ailments (there is a historical bit, for example, where epileptics attended beheading to drink the fresh blood of the dead because it was supposed to help their condition). And then you maybe have people whose loved ones have died and they want their spirit to remain for some reason, so you will have to hide the corpse from the deathseekers. Remember: corpses are all contraband, as there is a law that requires them to be burned in electroplasm.

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