[EDIT: Filled for now! Feel free to comment if you’d like to be put on a list in case the game opens up later!]

[EDIT: Filled for now! Feel free to comment if you’d like to be put on a list in case the game opens up later!]

[EDIT: Filled for now! Feel free to comment if you’d like to be put on a list in case the game opens up later!]

Would anybody be interested in starting up a play-by-post Blades Campaign with a stranger?

I’m a GM with more than five years experience running and playing all kinds of games both live and text-based. I’m quite jealous of the folks over at “He’s Just Sleeping”, so I would love to get a text-based game up and running over at Myth-Weavers or wherever else if anyone who might be interested has preferences.

The big focus of the game (besides just having a good time) would be trying to gain some of mastery over the rules that you can’t get from just reading the book. I’m a huge fan of Blades from watching Rollplay but I don’t have time for live campaigns of my own so I have to settle for text-based. To that end, I would be happy to GM, but don’t mind letting someone else take up that mantle if they are very keen on it.

If I end up GMing then I think to start with I don’t want more than one or two players – just to keep things focused since this is a new system for me. Down the road there might be an opportunity for more to join up, but I’d like to keep things simple in the beginning.

Feel free to post here or message me directly if you’re interested. If there is a ton of interest and I don’t know who to pick for the game off hand, I might ask for a brief writing sample in the form of a description/introduction of the character you might like to play, just to differentiate.

Thanks for your interest! (if there is any xP)

11 thoughts on “[EDIT: Filled for now! Feel free to comment if you’d like to be put on a list in case the game opens up later!]”

  1. That sounds like your target two players, Kai Mayer. I’m in the same “no time for realtime” boat you are, but I can be damned religious about PbP if I’m not alone.

  2. I’ve never done a play-by-post game, but this sounds really fun and, as you say, a great way to gain some mastery of the rules. If there’s space, I’d love to join.

  3. Indeed! Seems like I have my target two. Glad to have you guys! On some reflection though I think we can fit a third – but that is the absolute maximum I will go to for now. So with your consent Michael Barrett  and Josh McGraw , I’ll accept Thomas Berton  as well.My hope is that with three we can have a crew that covers all its bases, while still being small enough to manage easily.

  4. Also its always good to have an extra player just in case someone has to drop out – it happens unfortunately, especially in play-by-post. But I am optimistic about you guys!

  5. I’ll go with it; I’ve had many PbPs die for involving too many people, but we’re well shy of their numbers, and I completely understand “too few people” as a pitfall. Standing by for further instruction!

  6. Sounds awesome to me 🙂 Yeah, I too have had too many PbP’s fall apart because of the # of people in them. So yes, I’m totally in! I also made a generic character sheet template in Google Spreadsheets (shared in this group) that we can use if you want 🙂

    Let me know how to join up/where you’re going to setup the game when it’s ready!

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