Tonight we spent about 30m going over the v8 changes. We’ll need a few days to really retool stuff though.

Tonight we spent about 30m going over the v8 changes. We’ll need a few days to really retool stuff though.

Tonight we spent about 30m going over the v8 changes. We’ll need a few days to really retool stuff though.

It is my group’s fervent hope that my actual plays here helped ruin the Brutal ability for everyone else. 🙂

PS: I really like how Tempest is written now.

6 thoughts on “Tonight we spent about 30m going over the v8 changes. We’ll need a few days to really retool stuff though.”

  1. I just spent a few hours adjusting Mothlands to the new rules and absorbing some of the character sheet changes.

    I like the move away from extra dice and increased effect (outside of limited situations). It highlights the fictional positioning and I expect it will make for a more thrilling game experience. The changes also lead to just plain COOLER moves. Pushing yourself to get more is many times more exciting than just getting a lesser effect for free.

  2. I’m actually kind of bummed about the the NTBT/FW change, as it makes the ability one more stress-sink for somebody playing the Cutter as a “You wot, mate?” jump into the fray type. Whereas before, it positioned you as being like an experienced bar-brawl fighter who was accustomed to engaging multiple foes, now it’s a more basic “Spend stress for one use of the Hulk Out move”. But, that’s the way several of the abilities seemed to have been done, I guess.

  3. mike teuscher, yep, most of the moves that increased effect level (either directly or via something like potency or scale) got a really hard look, as we found it was very easy to stack these effects and have great or extreme effect all the time. As a fine weapon + brutal + NTBTW and who needs a gang of thugs 🙂

  4. A fine heavy weapon to boot. The Tier III Cutter in my group with those things would routinely just not give a shit about squads of Bluecoats, and honestly, mechanically his derision had merit. The fine heavy weapon on its own is probably good for 1-2 ticks of effect.

    And if you were in love with Brutal, use Brutal, right? It hasn’t disappeared from the older PDFs. Play the game you want to play.

  5. Sean Nittner Yeah, I totally get the changes from a balance perspective. I just play my Cutter in a game that tends to have a lot of Action rolls per score rather than clocks, so the old version was a little insurance/buffer. 🙂

    Reading the overall changes to that and similar abilities, it seems to me that the release version is slated at pushing players more towards making a couple of big Stress-use rolls for dramatic moments, resisting 1-3 complications per score depending on how the dice like you or don’t, and a lot more riding out the complications from 4/5s?

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