Thank you all for your help so far.

Thank you all for your help so far.

Thank you all for your help so far. I have only one person signed up for our first session this coming Sunday. My first thought is to skip crew set up and have him start with a solo session while we get more players. I thought I could have him answer some questions….why don’t you have a crew?, what is your life like in Duskwall? What might you be looking for in a crew? Then depending on what he wants we can get into trouble from there.

These are just my first thoughts. If there were one GM and player posts sorry I missed them. I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas.

3 thoughts on “Thank you all for your help so far.”

  1. Interesting thought on Blades as a solo game. I think your setup questions are good, especially “why don’t you have a crew?” “because my old crew all got killed” “because my old crew turned on me” “because I robbed my old crew and they’re out for revenge”. I think some of the mechanics might be tough. Especially since you’re not going to be able to spread around the consequences of near-failures.

  2. Jason Corley​ I was thinking about how in the rules, it says numbers are good if you need force but not if sneaking and so forth. I would mention that and maybe they could slink around the city.

  3. parrish warren you make a good point; scale is not always an advantage (p.10). In a fight outside? sure it is! In a fight in a small living room? not so much. In a tight hallway? There, scale might pose a disadvantage.

    I would also point out the possibility of assuming they Do have a crew (sort of), and just assign them a free cohort which is a group of thugs, or rooks, etc.

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