Hi all, a few questions from a complete beginner.

Hi all, a few questions from a complete beginner.

Hi all, a few questions from a complete beginner. I’ve only read through the book twice, busy with my 3rd. I’ve watched some of the early videos with +Johnharper as the GM but it seems the rules have changed quite a bit since those early 2015 sessions…

1. Is it only the oceans that are black ink? I assume rivers and other water sources in the city are normal water?

2. Will each type of crew get a detailed claim map like the example on page 14? Or will it be blank like the sheet on page 55?

3. In a fight would one usually use a “clock” to track the fight, maybe based on the toughness of the opponent? Are there specific mechanics for comparing how a Tier 0 beginner crew would stack up against tougher Tier I, II, III etc. opponents?

4. Speaking of Tier mechanics, I can’t understand the lockpicking example on page 10. Tier I + fine lockpicks = 2, and the Unseen are Tier IV. Is there a formula to get to a “limited” effect? Or is it just because she’s totally outclassed?

Thanks all, making characters and playing a few test scores tomorrow, looking forward to it! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Hi all, a few questions from a complete beginner.”

  1. 1. I assume freshwater is freshwater. Or sewage-filled, but not black-as-ink-by-default.

    2. They do. Check the actual Crew Sheets.

    3. If it’s an important fight against a difficult opponent or opponents, sure. Otherwise, a success with normal effect should enable the PC to achieve their goal.

    4. Weigh up the various pros and cons. Keep in mind that one really major factor might simply outweigh every other one. Then go with whatever feels right.

  2. 5. I don’t see any action that specifically addresses acrobatics or athletics. Things like sprinting up the road to catch someone, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, climbing a wall, etc. None of these situations came up in our first session but I had planned on just using a prowess check, although the book seems to indicate attributes are only used to resist consequences or danger.

  3. ah yes of course, thanks again. I could have spent more time reading the rules but you actually “learn” a lot more actually playing the game than reading the rules over and over. players have a way of doing the exact thing you have no idea about! 🙂

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