Curious if anyone is running different crew types.

Curious if anyone is running different crew types.

Curious if anyone is running different crew types. I have a new game and my group really wanted to be Hawkers. I am working on bringing it together and it will work but I am curious to see what others may have explored in this area.

8 thoughts on “Curious if anyone is running different crew types.”

  1. In my group we play cultists. I think it looks really promising. I did not prepare to run it like that at all, but the group wanted it, so why not. I dont think you need to prepare for anything specific in regards to what type of crew your players chose to play as it seems to play itself out naturally. Just ask the players questions and let them fill in things you dont know. At least that approach worked fine for me.

  2. I have a crew of cultists, but they’ve basically been doing regular crime stuff, just with a weird bent to it. They worship the Negamu, God of all Leviathans. Their plan is to stop the hunting of leviathans by providing an alternative energy source, but they’ve mostly been developing that alternate source using LTPs. Their scores have been about sabotaging the leviathan hunting and blood refining infrastructure. Perhaps that makes them an odd cult, but several members aren’t true believers, but people looking to profit from cornering they energy market.

  3. I’ve been running a crew of smugglers, but the score’s they’ve made so far makes them feel more like hawkers.  I’m going to discuss with them if they want to switch crew playbooks, or if they want to do more smugglery things.

    I’m also running a game with a cult, but it’s just getting started.  So far it’s one of the games I’m most excited about; possibly because I’ve only got two players and they are both people who have GMed blades for me before, so we are all really on the same page as far as “how to play” and what we expect from each other as GM and players.

  4. We built the crew from Thieves into what I called “Desperate’s” because they were unsure of their motives. They were desperate and working as simple thieves or cons as the city evolved around them. Several sessions in and their motivations and direction are becoming more clear. We’re defining the attributes of the playbook to their goals. They are now forming a cult, but built on an entirely made up purpose, so it’s really just a big con. It’s requiring some hacking using different sources but it’s working out so far.

  5. Thanks for the input everyone. Sounds like most of you are letting go organic which is where I was planning on going. Kelsa Delphi I am curious when you say they have largely done Hawker scores what do you mean by that. Can you give me some examples of some of the scores that have come up so far.

  6. The group I have run the longest are Breakers. A Spider and two Cutters, whose only apparent goal seems to be to piss everyone off. It has made for interesting game and role play, and I have become very comfortable with the rules for war and prison. They are currently are at war with the Grinders, the Eels, and the Hive. Their previous victims include the Lampblacks and the Crows. They rule Crow’s Foot with an iron fist(literally) and have a small army of attack dogs and killer thugs. I have also never had a group have so much fun. Thanks, John!

  7. Ian Howard Our first score was a deception/social scheme to find buyers for their Pomeranians (contraband animals) within the low nobles.  Their next score was again social as they exploited their Dagger Island Consulate contacts to get a cover operation of a “legitimate pet shop”, and expand the type of illegal animals they are “smuggling” into the city…  We’ve only had two sessions so far, although the next session is today. I picture smugglers being more interested in transport plans.

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