Recycling tips for Duskwall: I’ve got one player who wants to play a Whisper with big plans for insuring rich…

Recycling tips for Duskwall: I’ve got one player who wants to play a Whisper with big plans for insuring rich…

Recycling tips for Duskwall: I’ve got one player who wants to play a Whisper with big plans for insuring rich clients’ spirits get spirited away (ahem) and not incinerated by Spirit Wardens. I’ve got another player who wants to play Dr. Frankenstein. Sounds like they’ve got the start of a zero emissions gang here. One gets the ghost, the other gets the meat!

3 thoughts on “Recycling tips for Duskwall: I’ve got one player who wants to play a Whisper with big plans for insuring rich…”

  1. Presumably you could attach a spirit to a flesh golem to drive it, they don’t have to be mindless – or have the personality of a newborn as a creation of Frankenstein. They could even team up – create a temporary sprit housing in a golem – and the golem has the single task of getting outside the city before releasing the spirit within.

  2. Peter Cobcroft That could be a great one-shot for the Duskwall setting; the characters are all spirits, smashed into meat hulls, with the singular objective of getting out past the energy walls to escape into the roaring ether beyond.

    In the way? Well, bluecoats, and also spirit wardens, and they have to get through the rail station’s rail jacks, etc.

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