hi, an good good game. First sorry to my bad english. My question is:

hi, an good good game. First sorry to my bad english. My question is:

hi, an good good game. First sorry to my bad english. My question is:

Imagine that a player enters a room and triggers a trap, a gun for example.

The character must roll to resist the harm or you could use a desperate move to avoid the shot ?

5 thoughts on “hi, an good good game. First sorry to my bad english. My question is:”

  1. Like all things in Blades in the Dark, it depends on how the player responds: “I would have seen that coming!” – insight; “I try to evade the shot” – prowess; etc. It’s generally a resistance check, I think, unless the scoundrel was smart enough to check whether there were traps (tinker?) before entering the room.

  2. Yep. It depends on the situation. Might be an Insight roll to spot the trap in time. Might be a Prowess roll to soak the damage. Might be a Survey action to scope out the situation and gather info about any traps (this can be a flashback). Might be a Prowl action to tumble safely past any traps. Or a combination of those rolls.

    If it’s not clear, ask the player. “Can Silver suddenly avoid a surprise gunshot? That seems almost superhuman, but maybe it’s a desperate action?”

    “Silver always checks for traps when she’s on the job. Can I roll to survey the room as she walked in?”

    “Oh, sure. She had a chance to do that. She’s not being rushed or anything. Let’s just call it a zero stress flashback.”

    Maybe also remind them about the idea of precedents. If a PC can try to dodge a surprise gunshot, then NPCs can, too — which will make those future sniper ambushes a bit harder.

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