Hey all, couple of quick setting questions (apologies if these have been answered somewhere else already).

Hey all, couple of quick setting questions (apologies if these have been answered somewhere else already).

Hey all, couple of quick setting questions (apologies if these have been answered somewhere else already).

1. Exactly how long ago did the Cataclysm happen?

2. It’s implied (or possibly explicitly stated and I just missed it) by the text that the Emperor is still around. If so, where is he? In Duskwall itself or somewhere else? Is he still active, or is it like the Emperor in Warhammer 40K, where he’s basically a corpse being kept alive by machines & such?

8 thoughts on “Hey all, couple of quick setting questions (apologies if these have been answered somewhere else already).”

  1. We don’t know much yet. One of the playsets coming out is going to deal with revolution, so I assume that will get more into governance and the emperor. I figure the date of the setting is figured from the big disaster. 

    It’s all conjecture at this point.

  2. It makes for a very different game if people can say “oh I remember what the world was like before” vs something that happened hundreds of years ago.

  3. 1. “It is the year 847 of the Imperium which united the shattered islands of the cataclysm under one rule—all glory to his majesty the Immortal Emperor.” And the era before the cataclysm is only subject to “ancient tales.” Sounds like hundreds of years to me.

    2. Lord Scurlock is “An ancient noble, said to be immortal, like the Emperor.” That sounds like the Emperor is still alive and well. And also possibly a vampire.

  4. Based on the map from Ghost Lines, in the game I ran (of Ghost Lines, not Blades, mind) I had the immortal emperor ruling from Imperial City, on the southern coast of the same island as Duskwall, Akoros.

  5. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that:

    #1: It was a long time. Hundreds of years but not clearly defined.

    #2: He’s definitely immortal, but there’s no info on how active he is.

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