I’m sorry, but for some reason I thought we were encourged to post in Story Games.

I’m sorry, but for some reason I thought we were encourged to post in Story Games.

I’m sorry, but for some reason I thought we were encourged to post in Story Games. I played one time before this, as a player, while not good I really fell in love with the game! Hopefully I’ll get to play more in that story, as the characters were quite interesting.


3 thoughts on “I’m sorry, but for some reason I thought we were encourged to post in Story Games.”

  1. Nice Michael 🙂

    I like the opening scene. In fat I like your style of opening scenes where you ask the players questions – that should be a tip in the book. Good stuff.

    The story you guys generated is wonderful! I love the Devil’s Bargains and relationship entanglements! 

    I also like the way you highlight the pace of the action with your clocks. Labelling them as an action (rather than a static thing) pushes the story along. The idea of having to ‘get’ something (rather than ablating HP) is a cool reminder of the versatility of the clock paradigm. Nice work!

  2. Nice AP report! Sounds like you had a lot of fun, and there’s lot of developing story in it… follow up session should be easy to set up!

  3. Yes, we really got tested it this time around, but one of the player’s leaving the country. I hope for a second try thoough, or a new try with the first group!

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