Anyone working on a Roll20 character sheet?

Anyone working on a Roll20 character sheet?

Anyone working on a Roll20 character sheet?

I may just go ahead and make a super simple one with just the skills tacked into  dice buttons, but if someone is already doing this, I’ll offer my meager html/Roll20 experience to help. 🙂

Need to sleep a few hours now though, I’ll check back later.

10 thoughts on “Anyone working on a Roll20 character sheet?”

  1. +Dan Hall – you might give Ville the link for your discussion, given that you did the neat map and all. Oh, and did you ever download that set of files I left for you over there?

  2. I was wondering the same thing. We created our characters and crew last night and have until next session to get Roll20 set-up with stuff like Character sheets and handouts. 


  3. Sorry folks, I’ve sadly had to defer this due to RL reasons, and my group is currently kind of inactive. If someone gets the ball rolling on it though, I’ll try to throw in some code.

    Though, John Harper might already have a plan for one closer to launch?

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