How do you guys keep track of all the Shenanigans your players get up to in a session?

How do you guys keep track of all the Shenanigans your players get up to in a session?

How do you guys keep track of all the Shenanigans your players get up to in a session?

I think it might be my own fault for GMing with 7 players. But when they all have their own contacts, agendas, clocks and stories, it becomes a bit much.

Does anyone have any advice/software that is great for organizing notes/ keeping track of everything that’s happening in a session while still interacting with all of the players.


Hi All

Hi All

Hi All,

I have been looking to purchase a copy of the Blades Book, unfortunately being in Australia my options are limited.

Since DriveThruRPG dosen’t ship to Internationally anymore they provided me a link to this website.

Which works out wonderfully, Australian stock, Australian business!

The only question I have, and I believe this is for either John Harper Sean Nittner or anyone that has purchased from them before. With this purchase do they include the PDF? I have sent them an email 3 days ago and haven’t heard back so I was hoping someone here could shed some light. If they don’t provide the PDF is there anyway to use the proof of purchase to get a copy of it digitally?

Thanks in Advance and I look forward to joining my fellow scoundrels in being the proud owners of the hard copy.

Kind Regards,


Hi All!

Hi All!

Hi All!

Been doing a game with a group of 6 friends and has been going amazingly well.

The only thing that I wish I could improve upon is my knowledge of the rules. I seem to keep forgetting certain mechanics. They will ask a question like “How do we reduce heat” and I scroll through the PDF for a bit before making up something like “Roll 4 dice and minus 1 per wanted level and reduce heat by the highest amount”

Essentially what I’m looking for is if anyone has a GM reference sheet giving a layout of every single rule that can come up in play. I’ve seen some that’s good for regular play, but what about one for downtime, entanglements, heat, vice rolls, all of that kind of stuff.

I would greatly appreciate if anyone has made a ‘Cheat Sheet’ of all of this or if there is an official resource on this.

Thanks Fellow Scoundrels!

Hi All!

Hi All!

Hi All!

Quick question for anyone being a subscriber of Ryan Dunleavy on Patreon.

Has he finished the final Hi Res map of Duskvol? It mentioned that he would finish it once he hit the $1000 mark.

I’m not interested in any of the maps (Although they are astounding quality wise)

Would like to know before I subscribe to him 🙂


Done two sessions now and it has gone absolutely amazing!

Done two sessions now and it has gone absolutely amazing!

Done two sessions now and it has gone absolutely amazing!

Just a question, I looked into purchasing the book, because duh.

But when I look at the price of shipping to Australia, I just can’t justify it.

$30 US for the book, more than reasonable.

$37.06 US for shipping, which is a bit excessive, but I understand why.

But that will cost me $89.80 Aud to get this glorious piece of text.

Has anyone in australia purchased this book, are there any cheaper ways of shipping to australia?

Thanks in Advance!

Also, I am working on a sort of ‘Master Plan’ for my campaign, but I’m having trouble illustrating it aswell as including all the PC’s in it. Does anyone have any tips/links to some resources for ideas/tools





Bit late to this community but I have been looking at purchasing a BITD book and if shipping to Australia is available?

I’m just wondering is the special edition still available for purchase?

And if so what difference is there between the standard and the special edition.

Also, for non kickstarter backers, are the rewards available in PDF form once the book is purchased?

Just curious as to how I can get my mitts on as much as the content as possible.
