Wow! Long-time player/GM, (since v.1.0), but the mileage isn’t that great and we usually had to use new playbook-sheets when the next session arrived for our Cults-game. Thanks for making this game, John Harper and everyone involved, including the wonderful G+ crew!
Now I’m running a summer-ditto, with three sessions so far, and I also played in a one-on-one rules test, and a few questions have propped up:
(Please excuse any confusing, as I have one or two games in most iterations.)
1) How big-ish is Duskwall supposed to be? (I seem to recollect it being a million, but it would seem that 2000-3000 thousand Skovlanders are a really small minority then.
As the crew went to Silkshore to broker a deal in the distribution of Yellow Lotus I’ve/we’ve made a triad of three tier 2 factions (Crimson Lace, Black Velvet and Purple Rain), and they met Madame Salùt who entagled them into a demonic notice. I was trying the “Little [Not-exactly-China-but-rather-a-fantasy-version-amalgate, with inspirations from an old fantasy game I ran]”
2) I was wondering how much room there is for new factions? I always thought the game was settled in Crow’s Foot and one would expand when needed, but then I noticed the Crows (tier 2) had operations in Crow’s Foot as well as the Docks. I know this is decided around the table, but I guess there’s reasons to only involve things the table is really interested in, and I could remake them to a tier 2 or even tier 3 faction: The Triad?
3) Have you made factions that added to the Game?
4) Fortune rolls, I think I finally grocked them tonight, after the game. Pluralis and some different stakes and watch for effect? (I really like them, and the engagement-roll, as I like to disclaim dcicion making in games were there’s such a complicated matrix.)