$ 90,426 Stretch Goal Reached…
$ 90,426 Stretch Goal Reached…
$ 90,426 Stretch Goal Reached…
$ 90,426 Stretch Goal Reached…
$ 90,426 Stretch Goal Reached…
Retailer reward levels….
Retailer reward levels….
It occurred to me while reading the backers for night witches that the Kickstarter had several retail backers who probably got a lot of copies for sale. I know endgame in Oakland got a lot. Perhaps a retailer reward level with some special stuff designed just for retailers would be a nice backer level …
Ten copies and a maybe special map pads with the Duskwall map or printed in store QuickStart demos (switchblades in the dark?) something you could only get at those shops or by backing at that level … That might encourage them to throw in say 500 or 600 dollars…
Ive been struck with two interesting campaign ideas in the last 2 days.
Ive been struck with two interesting campaign ideas in the last 2 days… one a very ancient setting using Roman gangs and bizarre etruscan magic, with sexy witches and lots of spilled blood (because I am a huge Roman history nerd) the other a VOTOMS underground mecha fighting ring hack where Mecha Dueling teams fight it out to be the big winners of the cities illicit sports league… So excited about this…. I think Im going to take the quickstart over to our newly ressurected FLGS this weekend and try to drum up support for the KS.
It has not escaped my notice that Blades could easily be hacked to be a sports league game too with its teamwork mechanics. Anyone want to play out the Superbowl for next year?
latest stretch goal passed…
latest stretch goal passed…
$400.00 from the next stretch goal… That should be surpassed tonight I reckon.
$400.00 from the next stretch goal… That should be surpassed tonight I reckon.
John, Im very impressed with your kickstarter campaign, your pitch, presentation and natural ability to sell. I think you have really worked hard and that has resulted in a wildly successful kickstarter.
You must be a little in shock at the success honestly because I kind of am.
Blades is the 4th highest grossing kickstarter for a game Ive backed and the other 3 were Feng Shui II the Guide to Glorantha and 13th age in Glorantha all properties which have a significant fan base. While some of the success might be Apocalypse World/ Dungeon World related I think its more because of the package you’ve sold all of us on. By the way I think this KS has enough legs to beat 13th Age in Glorantha….
or you could add a Glorantha stretch goal and poach a few Gloranthaphiles ….
Anyhow I wanted to say Im super excited to see what goals drop next.
A fun resource for a smexy gang/ urban world bloodstained streets roleplaying… especially recommend the swordplay and swagger episode…….
Fritz Leiber stretch goal yes please… I wanna do a good Grey Mouser.
Fritz Leiber stretch goal yes please… I wanna do a good Grey Mouser.
Speaking of Glenn Cook, magic wise and world building wise how well would blades map for doing a Garrett PI style…
Speaking of Glenn Cook, magic wise and world building wise how well would blades map for doing a Garrett PI style game … Can the planning mechanic also be used sort of like an investigation mechanic?
Goal Met!
So I struggled with my need to bump my pledge from the two hardcover level to the crew level as the scoundrel level…
So I struggled with my need to bump my pledge from the two hardcover level to the crew level as the scoundrel level was all gone by the time I got around to looking at the kickstarter and … well I decided to take the plunge. Hopefully I’ll be able to get some POD’s in addition to my hardcover, or an additional hardcover when all is said and done.