#glowinthedark Yet Another Crew: The Relics

#glowinthedark Yet Another Crew: The Relics

#glowinthedark Yet Another Crew: The Relics

The Relics can branch out in a few different ways. You can do the secretive paramilitary force with advanced tech, the cabal of scientists trying to marshal ancient knowledge against a changed world, or a voice for a better future – with heavy stompy boots for anyone who disagrees.

Also revamped the fonts a lot. I found a regular text font that more closely matched my memories of old Gamma World books, and messed with the logo some. I’m going for a “sort-of Atari?” thing.

As usual, my Google Slides link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DBV7m2DnqVsLTq-L_yCTHFQozitUYaTa7jaLdchhHuA/edit?usp=sharing

I have one more to flesh out: The Dealers.




More Crews! Raiders this time, plus I’ve refined the crew sheets a little bit more. I’m finding it easier to narrow down the Cargo Cult (now named “Shepherds”) by comparing my choices there with the (mostly a Breakers reskin) Raiders crew.

The idea behind the Raiders comes from our good friends Toecutter, Humungous, the War Boys, Ironbar, and the hordes of generic bad guys in the Fallout games. They’re all about living fast, dying fast, and using the friction they generate to their advantage. In contrast, the Shepherds have many more options for reducing attrition, defending themselves, and obtaining stuff. The Raiders should always be hungry.

Google Presentation link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DBV7m2DnqVsLTq-L_yCTHFQozitUYaTa7jaLdchhHuA/edit?usp=sharing




Figured I’d share my version of Retirement. It’s mostly unchanged in how you get there – I’m just changing how it’s presented and adding a teeny bit of game to the higher results.

The Nothing and the Sky City

There are some who say a better life waits across the Nothing. They say there’s a beanstalk to sky-castles made for giants with endless food and water. They say survivors from the Last War wait under the earth, ready to welcome the mad to Valhalla. When you mark your last Trauma and tire of your wretched existence, you set out across the Nothing, braving scouring endless winds, trackless ash plains, mutant creatures, and rad storms. Maybe you’ll make it, maybe you won’t. Your chances of survival depend on how many Supplies you managed to Stash away over your career:

0-10: A Warning to Others. You die hard in the ash faults. Even children know not to go out so ill-prepared.

11-20: Never Tell Me the Odds. Like so many other times before, your life comes down to a single die roll. On a 1-3, well… at least you make it far enough that nobody knows you failed. On a 4-5 you pass beyond the dust walls, never to be seen again. Read the 21-30 result. On a 6, read the 31-40 result.

21-30: The Kindness of Strangers. You’ve made it this far and won’t let little things like running out of food, water, fuel, and ammo stop you. If you find anything out here past the Nothing, you won’t be in any position to make demands, however. The table decides your fate.

31-40: Shiny and Chrome. If anyone can make it, you can. Bowed but unbroken, you survive the worst the Nothing can offer, intent on carving your name into what lies beyond. You decide your fate.

Glow in the Dark

Glow in the Dark

Glow in the Dark

My first super-alpha attempt at a crew sheet, the Cargo Cult. It’s mostly cribbed from the BitD Cult, but since the “deity” doesn’t represent an actual god, I’m taking it more towards a crew that can spread a message and has easier access to random stuff.

I think there’s some interesting places to go with Claims for this sort of post-apocalyptic game. Right now it’s mostly a reskin. Same with the crew upgrades – I’d expect those to change around some.

Google Presentations link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DBV7m2DnqVsLTq-L_yCTHFQozitUYaTa7jaLdchhHuA/edit?usp=sharing





Here’s my first draft of some new entanglements for Glow in the Dark, my hack about using BitD for Mad Fallout Max Gamma World. The term “Supplies” is alpha for sure, and represents some sort of crew resource. I don’t think Coin and Heat map completely to a post-apocalyptic wasteland setting, so I’m working on modifying the default feedback loop to maybe be more of a slider. Low supplies is bad, because you can’t obtain things easily, but having high supplies needs to bring problems as well, and hopefully different kinds of problems. The effects are all over the place (it’s a first draft), but does illustrate some of the issues with lack of variety when you only have a few crew resource tracks to mess with.


Replaces Entanglements. After your crew finishes an adventure or resolves a crisis, find your current Supplies total on the chart below and roll to see how your crew’s new situation has attracted attention. Factions in the wasteland are always keeping tabs on each other. The weak become easy prey for outsiders or fall apart as resources dwindle, but the strong risk losing their power to greed and internal strife.

Supplies 0-3

Unrest: People within your crew are talking about leaving, rationing supplies, mutiny, etc. Forfeit your Tier+1 in Rep as you focus on quelling the infighting, or deal with the problem some other way.

Favor: Your crew needs supplies and another crew you have positive status with (typically +2 or +3) needs something distasteful done. Agree to the deal or forfeit 1 Rep per Tier of the friendly faction.

Vultures: Another faction sees your crew as easy pickings and mounts a raid. Pay them off with their Tier in Supplies or stand up to them, losing 1 Status with them.

Sickness: Your crew’s medical supplies are running low. Do something about it now or treat your crew as being at war (lose 1 Hold, single downtime action, etc). Until this crisis is resolved, you also lose the ability to Recover during downtime.

Drastic Measures: Desperate for raw materials, your crew razes one of its own claims for resources. Choose a Claim to destroy, gaining your Tier in Supplies, or stop the madness some other way. If you do not have additional claims, then you must take the second option.

Siege: A rival faction gets wind of your dwindling supplies and lays siege to your turf, hoping to starve you out. Give them 1 Claim or go to war (-3 Status).

Supplies 4-5

Probing: An enemy faction grabs a friend or contact, interrogating them about your defenses. Pay ransom equal to 1 Rep per Tier of the enemy, let them keep your contact, or show them you are not to be trifled with.

Hijacking: While you were out, another faction steals a fuel-laden vehicle or other fuel source from you. Lose Supplies equal to your Tier+1 or go get it back.

Vultures: Another faction sees your crew as easy pickings and mounts a raid. Pay them off with their Tier in Supplies or stand up to them, losing 1 Status with them.

Mutants: You encounter randos with unknown intentions. Are they there to steal supplies? Eat your people? Act as a distraction for some other faction?

Weather: Severe weather (even for the wasteland). Radiation storm, killbot swarm, fire tornado, etc. Treat the next session as if your crew is at war (1 downtime action, lose 1 Hold, etc) as people are lost to the elements, or face nature’s wrath and try to save what you’ve built.

Diplomacy: Another faction sends a party to barter (or invites your group to do the same). Denying the offer reduces Status with that faction. Will they honor their deal? Will you?

Supplies 6+

Indolence: One of your cohorts causes trouble due to their flaw(s). Lose face (forfeit your Tier+1 in Rep), make an example of one of them, or face reprisals from the wronged party. There’s no fallout if you don’t have a cohort.

Wastrels: Flush with resources, your crew overspends. Lose your Tier in Supplies and reduce everyone’s stress by 1, or deal with it before it gets out of hand.

Diplomacy: Another faction sends a party to barter (or invites your group to do the same). Denying the offer reduces Status with that faction. Will they honor their deal? Will you?

Mutants: You encounter randos with unknown intentions. Are they there to steal supplies? Eat your people? Act as a distraction for some other faction?

Aid: A friendly faction comes to you asking for help. Pay them Supplies equal to their Tier, ignore them and lose Status, or assist them in their plight some other way.

Big Fish: A larger faction or a temporary alliance of smaller enemy factions decides your crew’s good fortune should be redistributed. They mount a major assault. Give them 1 Claim (or the enemy’s Tier in Supplies if you have no additional Claims) or go to war (-3 Status).




I’ve gotten a first round of actions hacked together for my Mad Gamma Max Fallout World hack, Glow in the Dark. You might notice I’ve got 5 actions for Resolve – I’m not sure about hardly any of the ones I’ve got so far. Is Barter too close to Sway? Like, can’t you just Sway someone to take the deal you’re offering? So I’m not sure Barter needs to be there, although I like the nod to Thunderdome.

Channel is just a lazy Attune rename, and implies that there’s some sort of weirdness in the setting, and that a character has the ability to influence that weirdness. I’m not sure that I want all those things.

By the same token, is Build really needed if you can express the same concepts through other actions and long-term projects?

What’s core to post-apocalyptic things when it comes to Resolve?


Hack old technology or jury-rig contraptions; modify, disable, or repair devices; painfully and messily patch wounds.

Hunt a target; gather information about its location and movements; attack with precision shooting from a distance

Read a person’s intentions or situation; recon a location; actually use reading to uncover lost knowledge.

Scrounge up items or information; find sustenance in the wasteland; spot useful things.


Finesse explosives into or out of pockets; employ subtle misdirection or sleight of hand; race in a vehicle; sew up wounds and perform surgery with the right knowledge.

Prowl about unseen and traverse obstacles; climb, swim, run, and jump; ambush with close violence.

Raid a location; fight in open battle; perform a drive-by.

Wreck a place, vehicle, item, or obstacle with savage force; unleash chaos; breach defenses.


Barter with people for resources, info, or access.

Boss people around using threats, charisma, or presence; lead a cohort.

Build lasting constructs; earn trust; battle entropy and decay.

Channel your connection with the pervasive poisoned miasma of the world; call upon psychic powers or use mutant abilities; connect to and control nanite swarms and sentient microorganisms.

Sway someone with charm, logic, deception, disguise, or bluff; manipulate and seduce.