Rituals: You can attune to use strange idiosyncratic rituals to achieve any mundane effect you desire. Costs stress based on the magnitude of the desired effect (2-6). Answer the following questions:
• What is the mundane effect you want to achieve and how do you make it weird?
o I want to search the scene for traces of those who attacked. I do this by seeing the ghosts of the actions they left behind..
• What is the weird ritual you preform?
o I pull out my pipe and drop in a ball of the good stuff. You know, opium laced with crematory ash.
• Why does that work?
o That’s easy. You want to see beyond the veil, you gotta take a little trip there yourself.
• What is the price and to whom do you pay it?
o The price? Well the door swings both ways right? You borrow some death. They borrow some life.
• Where did you learn this technique?
o I bought some shit off this guy once and it turns out he gave me some of his personal stash by mistake. Now I’m a regular buyer.