I just saw Dawn of the Dead with some friends and couldn’t help to think about a BitD hack where you build and…

I just saw Dawn of the Dead with some friends and couldn’t help to think about a BitD hack where you build and…

I just saw Dawn of the Dead with some friends and couldn’t help to think about a BitD hack where you build and secure your lair against the zombie hordes, drive off raiders and deal with the stress of living in isolation with a small group of people.

Teamwork, Desperate position and Advancement.

Teamwork, Desperate position and Advancement.

Teamwork, Desperate position and Advancement.

So lets suppose a character ends up in a desperate position, and they face the situation using Lead Teamwork.

In our game only the chosen lead roll logs the desperate roll for advancement UNLESS one or all the other players face the consequences of the roll. 

In other words: if you face the consequences, you log the desperate roll. 

How do you interpret it?



Hey! After reading some posts I wanted to know, just for fun: What are the name/s of your crew/s? and aren’t they great names for a rock band?!

I’m always the GM, so I didn’t get to name any of these, but all my players have awesome name ideas:

The first group I GM’d were called The Navel Warts (great name for a punk rock band), #theWarts  for short. 

My longest playing group (we went through all the QS iterations!) are #theMalkavs  (maybe a geeky indie rock band?).

We had a one-shot session with some friends that were named the Elbow after their weapon of choice. 

But my favorite crew name by far is #theNarrowStreetGentlemansClub  

Let’s see yours!

Quick question: making a lead group action after a set up, do all tests are at +1 effect or just the lead?

Quick question: making a lead group action after a set up, do all tests are at +1 effect or just the lead?

Quick question: making a lead group action after a set up, do all tests are at +1 effect or just the lead?

Brainstorming with my girlfriend we came up with this great playbook idea.

Brainstorming with my girlfriend we came up with this great playbook idea.

Brainstorming with my girlfriend we came up with this great playbook idea.


1 Sway

1 Discern

1 Prowl


Slippery: when you slip through or navigate narrow spaces, you get +1 effect.

Zappy: when you recover, you get +1 level of healing.

Scent: +1d when you gather information by tracking with your sense of smell or hearing.

Herding Dog: you get +1d when trying to position one of your gangs or cattle.

Dashing: take 1 stress to gain potency when fleeing or avoiding capture.

Puppy Eyes: you get special armor vs. accusations and rebuke. When you roll a critical when trying to avoid culprit or come up with an alibi, clear 1 stress.

Ghost Sense: you always detect paranormal activity near you and you cannot be taken by surprise by ghosts. 

Persona: when you pose a some random dog, you get +1 effect. 

Veteran: choose a special ability from another playbook.


Fine bouncing ball

Fine trained human decoy

Fine costume

Forged id tag

Leather chewing bone

Spiritbane charm


   Pighead, a butcher

   Caesar, a dog trainer

   Karolina, a dog breeder

   Max, a road warrior

   Susana, a rich actress

   Kid, a street urchin. 

I had recently finished playing Thief: the Dark Project and am now starting the Metal Age when I see the first…

I had recently finished playing Thief: the Dark Project and am now starting the Metal Age when I see the first…

I had recently finished playing Thief: the Dark Project and am now starting the Metal Age when I see the first briefing telling me to help a friend of mine, a certain Basso guy. 

Please tell me this was on purpose. 

Just came from testing the new rules with #theMalkavs

Just came from testing the new rules with #theMalkavs

Just came from testing the new rules with #theMalkavs . Adapting the already advanced character took most of the session but we got to an score. There was a poor reception with the new playbooks, specially from the Lurk (she wants her Shadow armor back!), she says now it feels like she’s playing less Garret and more Assassin’s Creed. The new item list was poorly received too. 

The session itself ran smoothly, and even though I was hesitant with executing the rules I think they worked great. 


How do fine items work? We had them give away +1 effect level. 

How do Ritual special ability work? for now I had the Whisper make a test against a clock to research and create supernatural effects. 

How do quality and potency work We used for +1 effect level. If so, How do I measure a contact’s quality? Also: Do quality, potency and scale interact with each other or are treated independently? Meaning that if I have a PC with potency in beating guys up facing a gang with scale over him do both modifiers cancel each or only one affects in any given situation.

Crews have no more effects nor attributes How do I handle attacks to their lair and turf, and how do they use their gangs? It will be important once they start claiming territory.

Overall I liked the new rules. We didn’t get to use the harm, though. 

Questions from last session!

Questions from last session!

Questions from last session!

Crew Effects and Teamwork: the Red Sashes are trying to find #theMalkavs ‘ hideout, I ask for a Lair test to resist, and tell them they can ?Backup: Assist as a regular test. Is it ok? How could I use Teamwork rules on these situations? Would it be ok to have a character face the effect or setting up?

Downtime tests and Teamwork:  using the first QS rules when two or more players want to take the same Downtime test you either:

   * Both characters take the downtime option and we test it separately (example: Salik and Skass reduce heat).

   * Both characters take the downtime option and we test it using Teamwork (example: Skass reduces heat, Salik assist him).

Now tests are a little different, so I don’t know if this approach still applies. I find this especially weird when dealing with long-term projects, since they tend to advance a lot faster.

Are we managing it well? Am I cheating them out of downtime tests asking a character on forfeiting his test to assist another? Or tests are meant to be taken separately?