Questions from last session!

Questions from last session!

Questions from last session!

Crew Effects and Teamwork: the Red Sashes are trying to find #theMalkavs ‘ hideout, I ask for a Lair test to resist, and tell them they can ?Backup: Assist as a regular test. Is it ok? How could I use Teamwork rules on these situations? Would it be ok to have a character face the effect or setting up?

Downtime tests and Teamwork:  using the first QS rules when two or more players want to take the same Downtime test you either:

   * Both characters take the downtime option and we test it separately (example: Salik and Skass reduce heat).

   * Both characters take the downtime option and we test it using Teamwork (example: Skass reduces heat, Salik assist him).

Now tests are a little different, so I don’t know if this approach still applies. I find this especially weird when dealing with long-term projects, since they tend to advance a lot faster.

Are we managing it well? Am I cheating them out of downtime tests asking a character on forfeiting his test to assist another? Or tests are meant to be taken separately? 

5 thoughts on “Questions from last session!”

  1. In the first version of the QS, on page 27 under the Downtime Rolls it say this:

    Group Action

    Remember you can use teamwork to lead a group action to allow multiple PCs to roll for the single best result. The PC who initiates takes 1 stress for each 1-3 result rolled.

    Because this is on the Downtime summary page, it’s pretty clear to me all the teamwork can be used during downtime.

  2. I’d probably run it so whoever is making a downtime roll is assumed to be on point and others can be involved in a teamwork special move if they want. That would mean the same number of rolls, but often more stress and better results.

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