Hi guys and gals!

Hi guys and gals!

Hi guys and gals! I have some questions about the rules. I was reading the donwtime sections and some doubts arose. Specifically, what is the purspoise of the prision claims? and about entaglements, what if the players want to do something about the problems that arise? Can they roll dices? Use stress? Have a flashback?

Thank you!




I have some questions about new rules in the draft version 3.

Claims and Vulnerable Factions

Page 3 says about Vulnerable faction that a Faction is vulnerable when their hold is less than 6x their Tier, so if a faction is a 2nd Tier faction, if its hold is 11, 10 or less, it is vulnerable, right? 

However, in the page 4, it is said that a A faction at zero hold (or less) is vulnerable to lower-tier factions who want to move up a tier. 

I don’t understand the rule, whenn a faction is exactly vulnerable to lower tier factions who want to move up a tier? 

Claims benefits. 

Al claims benefits are active all the time or you gain benefits from calims only when you are in this claim?

I will appreciate your help! 




This remind me to Duskwall and Blades.


Hi there!

Hi there!

Hi there!

I have read throught the quickstarter rules and I  have some questions 

1) Entaglement and Heat level: Your roll is based in your crew’s current level, right?

2) Crew effects. When you use this effects?

3) What isa special armor?

4) What is a magnitud of energyn Channel? How to know what magnitud of energy is appropiated for an specific effect? 

5) What is a electroplasmic or arcane features. There exist a list?

6) What is the benefits of contacts. You only can get information form your contacts?

7) What is the use of crew upgrades? 

8) Stashed coins can be used later? Or if you stahs a coin only count for retirement?

9) What is an asset in the game. An asset has some special properties or is just a narrative permission?

10) Items are just to improve your dice pool or has some additional qualities

I know that is a quickstarter, but I want to know if these elements have special effects in the game
