Stras Acimovic, if one chooses “Xeno” as a replacement for their starting ability can they later choose it as a…

Stras Acimovic, if one chooses “Xeno” as a replacement for their starting ability can they later choose it as a…

Stras Acimovic, if one chooses “Xeno” as a replacement for their starting ability can they later choose it as a special ability?

Glow in the Dark: Who are the Ash Lords?

Glow in the Dark: Who are the Ash Lords?

Glow in the Dark: Who are the Ash Lords?

They’re listed under other factions as either allies or enemies, but I can’t seem to find them elsewhere. Any help?

Oh, it’s been a while since I mentioned this but if you don’t know what Glow in the Dark is, go find it, buy it and love it.

Night Voice question! How big of an area is the default? How are you all doing?

Night Voice question! How big of an area is the default? How are you all doing?

Night Voice question! How big of an area is the default? How are you all doing?

The Night Voice: You can push yourself to strip an area of the Way for a few minutes. Doing so creates darkness, strange gravitational effects, and disables access to the Way for everyone, including you (powers, artifacts, and any tech that relies on the Way will stop working). When you push yourself to activate this ability, you still get one of the normal benefits of pushing yourself (+1d,

+1 effect, etc.) in addition to the special ability.


Two quick Glow in the Dark questions!

Two quick Glow in the Dark questions!

Two quick Glow in the Dark questions!

1) What is “thump” referring to in the Junker’s “Percussive Maintenance” ability? Is it some move I missed or simply literally thumping something? I assume the latter but wanted to be sure.

2) EDITED: Because it was a dumb question that I knew the answer to but derped and I don’t want to possibly confuse anyone else with it. My bad. 🤫

Cohorts with crazy abilities? Possible? If so, how?

Cohorts with crazy abilities? Possible? If so, how?

Cohorts with crazy abilities? Possible? If so, how?

These questions came up last session. They wanted to know how to give all of their Thugs “Ghost Fighter” and/or (when the time comes) their Skulks “The Devil’s Footsteps” and “Ghost Veil”.

My first idea was to require one PC have the ability and that the cohort be Elite. Another is a LTP to grant the cohort an ability. Or a mix. Most importantly, am I glossing over a rule that already does this? 😁

Bliss is the daughter of Iruvian merchants who settled in Doskvol to build their business there.

Bliss is the daughter of Iruvian merchants who settled in Doskvol to build their business there.

Bliss is the daughter of Iruvian merchants who settled in Doskvol to build their business there. Things were going well until her father was betrayed by a close friend and the family lost everything. He was sentenced to death for a crime he didn’t commit and her mother took her own life. Bliss attempted to do the same by throwing herself into the Ink Sea. She would’ve died in the ebony depths save for a soothing voice that promised her the power take vengeance. A power to be given if she let the voice guide her. She accepted and the demon Setarra lifted her from a watery grave…

Bliss learned the old ways of magic. She dined with a demon and danced with the dead. She fashioned her mask from the skinned face of her family’s betrayer, his battered and broken spirit bound to the skin to power its magic. Nobody would recognize the face from the haphazard stitching that seems to subtly shift. Few can stare without soon looking away from the patchwork man-leather mask with the rictus grin.

One of our daughters…who had never played an RPG before…made that up for the one-shot I ran. I am so proud!