Last crew (for now): The Dealers
Dealers are weird. They have Convoy as a default crew upgrade, which means their lair/settlement and most of their claims are mobile, whether that’s a train or semi trucks or covered wagons or huge tracked compounds. They’re half Hawkers and half Smugglers, except in the wasteland there’s no laws to interfere with smuggling. That said, barter and trade are a big part of my source material (the constant traders in Fallout, Bartertown in Mad Max, the trade between Gastown, Bullet Farm, and the Citadel in Fury Road). In the fiction, the Dealers should need other factions to keep their trade going. They have some abilities to help them out with rep, supplies, and friction, and one wartime bonus focusing on defense.
I’m not 100% on their claims, however. In fact, I’m looking over all my crews’ claims and I’m seeing more of an RTS building/tech tree rather than turf to be carved out of competing factions.
I want to embrace the scarcity that’s part and parcel of post-apocalyptic source material, so I think I need to reinforce the claims somehow, but at the same time I like the implicit worldbuilding in having unique claims for each crew. It works hand in hand with the special abilities and upgrades to paint a clearer picture of what each crew’s about while leaving plenty open to interpretation.
I mean, it’d all probably work okay as-is, because for the most part I’m just renaming stuff and remixing some abilities. Maybe it’s enough to speak on what might need to happen to open up an opportunity to seize a claim, and have it be fictionally more in line with the post-apocalyptic theme rather than claustrophobic, crowded Duskwall.
Obligatory Google Sheets link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DBV7m2DnqVsLTq-L_yCTHFQozitUYaTa7jaLdchhHuA/edit?usp=sharing