Hey all,
A bunch of questions, mostly to clarify things in my head. Thanks for any contributions!
1. A PC moves to attack an NPC. Is this resolved in a simple roll or with a clock? If a simple roll, how do you determine the difficulty of the action roll?
2. Say this was a bar brawl instead. A group of five thugs has surrounded the PC and the PC decides he’s going to make an example of them and wants to go lethal (so they fight with death in mind as well): is this resolved with a simple roll by the player on each opponent, a clock or a simple on all at desperate?
3. P5 suggests the effect of the roll is determined beforehand, but seems to lean towards an arbitrary position chosen by GM and/or player. Now in a scenario where players are not eager to suffer consequences and go straight for the insta-kill (unlike the the example set by the excellent Bloodletters AP) – is there some default stance a GM can use without having to be the one to pull the players back?
4. Obvious but while I have the mic – Do the “ticks” in the effect levels box on P10 refer to ticks you make on a clock?
Faction clocks: “When the PCs take downtime (page 20) the GM ticks forward the faction clocks that they’re interested in.”
5. Does this mean nothing else moves until the players interact with it?
6. With the above in ming, the given scenario is that the players are working for/with the Lampblacks vs the Red Sashes. Both factions have “defeat opponent” as a clock – how do you trigger the rivals? Is this done via GM fiat, with a narrative – or by a fortune die? And how would you judge the effect offscreen?