Running again this Wednesday.
Running again this Wednesday. I have a whole bunch of faction clocks, and due to some… creative action on the part of my players, I’ve had to invent a new faction.
I’m going to have to start paying special attention to resistance rolls and outcomes. Here’s a question regarding resistance rolls: how do you time them out?
Example A:
1. Player rolls a mixed result.
2. GM picks a consequence.
3. Player decides to face the consequence or roll.
4. Player rolls to resist.
5. Player picks between stress or consequence.
Example B:
1. Player rolls a mixed result.
2. Player rolls to resist.
3. Player picks between stress or consequence.
4. If the player picks the consequence, the GM determines an appropriate consequence.
Example C:
1. Player rolls a mixed result.
2. Player rolls to resist.
3. GM picks a consequence.
4. Player picks between stress or consequence.
I’ve mostly been doing A, and I think C is the most “fair”, because the player has the most information when they choose. I think, though, that I’m going to start doing B, because it takes pressure off of me as GM to constantly be coming up with consequences. I only have to make up a consequence if all other courses of action have failed.