Despite 8tracks being super squirrely today, I’ve completed the next installment.

Despite 8tracks being super squirrely today, I’ve completed the next installment.

Despite 8tracks being super squirrely today, I’ve completed the next installment.  This playlist is perfect for your noble parties (that you’ll probably be robbing) or anytime you need a pleasant musical interlude. This one has far more actual music on it than background noise, but of course Thief and Dishonored show up at the end to make things creepy.

Also, I updated “Sacred” with five new tracks.

Running again this Wednesday.

Running again this Wednesday.

Running again this Wednesday. I have a whole bunch of faction clocks, and due to some… creative action on the part of my players, I’ve had to invent a new faction.

I’m going to have to start paying special attention to resistance rolls and outcomes. Here’s a question regarding resistance rolls: how do you time them out?

Example A:

1. Player rolls a mixed result.

2. GM picks a consequence.

3. Player decides to face the consequence or roll.

4. Player rolls to resist.

5. Player picks between stress or consequence.

Example B:

1. Player rolls a mixed result.

2. Player rolls to resist.

3. Player picks between stress or consequence.

4. If the player picks the consequence, the GM determines an appropriate consequence.

Example C:

1. Player rolls a mixed result.

2. Player rolls to resist.

3. GM picks a consequence.

4. Player picks between stress or consequence.

I’ve mostly been doing A, and I think C is the most “fair”, because the player has the most information when they choose. I think, though, that I’m going to start doing B, because it takes pressure off of me as GM to constantly be coming up with consequences. I only have to make up a consequence if all other courses of action have failed.

I’m back with my next soundscape installment – Cobblestones.

I’m back with my next soundscape installment – Cobblestones.

I’m back with my next soundscape installment – Cobblestones.  This is good for general background or exploring the city streets.  

I’ve got two more planned at this point – one for snooty nobles (Lady Boyle’s party from Dishonored kind of thing) and another for taverns and pubs.

Dishonored 1 just went on sale. I’m going to check it out.

Dishonored 1 just went on sale. I’m going to check it out.

Dishonored 1 just went on sale. I’m going to check it out.