


Quick update for those interested. B.A.D is proceeding nicely. I’ve gotten the playbooks massaged into something resembling completion. Playtests are helping me track down what needs altered from the core rules to fit Dungeon Crawling.

In the meantime here’s a bit of a series pitch to (hopefully) get you and your players excited.

Ironwood is city of adventure from top to bottom. Every guild, clan, religion and hungry freebooter is competing for fortune and glory. They swarm over the bones of a dead civilization and scheme and struggle for the choicest cuts. The winners at famed and feted. Most simply die in obscurity.

The life of most adventurers come to our city is a short and brutal affair. Most arrive, either out of desperation or bravado, proclaiming their inevitable rise to fame and fortune. They will be the ones to return from the depths of Agartha with some legendary artifact. They will retire on the spoils and the stories they tell will ensure they never have to buy their own drinks again.

Most who go down below into the caverns of that dead city are not seen again. Of those that do return, many quickly lose their taste for the life. They disappear in the night leaving unfulfilled boasts and unpaid debts behind them.

Those that survive and stay on can be easily recognized. They are a hard, practical lot. They live to swap stories and burn their coin on their chosen poisons. They are tellers of impossible tales. Liars. Gamblers. Unpredictable. Mercurial. They will laugh at a pick-pocket who steals their purse and murder a stranger for a perceived insult.

Most will simply disappear one day. Their luck will turn. Some monster will get the drop on them. A rope will break. A map will prove false and they will be lost. No small few will simply succumb to their chosen vice. They will be consumed and wither and die from either want or excess.

But you’re different. You will be one of the storied few. You are a legend just waiting to be told. You will be remembered as one who rose above the desperation, hunger, and greed. A shining paragon of bravery, prudence, and iron will. You will amass such great wealth, respect and arcane power that you and your line will lead this poor, harrowed, corpse of a city to greatness.


Now, if you’d care to get started, I happen to have recently come into possession of this map to a particularly rich find. Just the thing to start you on your pathway to greatness. Practically littered with treasure. Small Shrieker infestation, but nothing you can’t handle. A pittance at 20 coin. No, no Hevlan trade chits, thank you. I won’t be buying from the company store. This is my last exchange in this city. I’m headed home.

What? No. No one else knows of this particular claim. Well, no one has returned at least.

I’ve updated my Google Drive playbook and crew sheets for 4b. I also threw in the blank sheets.

I’ve updated my Google Drive playbook and crew sheets for 4b. I also threw in the blank sheets.

I’ve updated my Google Drive playbook and crew sheets for 4b. I also threw in the blank sheets.

You can use these in your own game by copying it to your Drive. If you do, let me know if you find any errors, flubs, omissions, problems, goofs, or inconveniences.

What do I think a Spider could do? Let me brainstorm some special abilities (not refined, just thinking aloud.)

What do I think a Spider could do? Let me brainstorm some special abilities (not refined, just thinking aloud.)

What do I think a Spider could do? Let me brainstorm some special abilities (not refined, just thinking aloud.)

* Blackmail network. There is a good chance the Spider knows people who have the goods on others, either blackmailing them directly or compelling them to force their underlings to do/allow odd or illegal things.

* Forethought. All flashback stress costs are reduced by 1 for the crew if the spider helped plan.

* Tracking goods. The Spider knows how illegal material moves in the city, and adds effect to efforts to procure equipment or trace fenced goods.

* Mentor. The Spider can borrow up to 2 stress from a crew member once per heist per character. The Spider helps by preparing through role-playing encounters ahead of time, thinking through contingencies, pacing out the ground, or other preparatory methods. 

* The Useful Detail. Once per heist, the Spider can recall a seemingly irrelevant detail and snap it into contextual focus, knowing something that was otherwise highly unlikely the crew would know. This useful detail is fictional, but can be translated to provide a way to continue a course of action, an escape route, +1 effect level, or an increase in position.

* Debt Collector. The Spider trades in favors, buying and selling them with other like-minded individuals. The Spider can spend 2 Stress to encounter an indebted individual as part of a heist or down time action.

* Counterintelligence. Each time the Spider advances a down time project by two, the Spider may reduce another faction’s down time project clock by 1, or reduce Heat by 1.

You may want to take a look at the 2011 Secret Santicore.

You may want to take a look at the 2011 Secret Santicore.

You may want to take a look at the 2011 Secret Santicore. 


Check out pages 54-55. Mike Evans did a piece called “Bandits, Rapscallions, & Riff Raff.” Of the three columns, two are useful; the first column has a gang name and composition, the last column has a gang leader and description. (The middle has encounters and plot hooks, which don’t line up as well with Duskwall.)

Print this one up two sided and keep it handy for when you need a crew in a hurry.

Meanwhile, you might want to look around in Secret Santicore. It isn’t groceries, it’s a spice rack; you don’t devour it or use it whole, but something in there will add flavor to any game you run!

EDIT: OOOH! Also 80-81, “Fifty Bizarre & Eclectic Urban Locations” by Chris Weller.

One thing that might help focus character and crew generation is a motive, a unifying purpose.

One thing that might help focus character and crew generation is a motive, a unifying purpose.

One thing that might help focus character and crew generation is a motive, a unifying purpose. If the group can agree on one, that can shade the rest of the process. Here are some possibilities.

Resisting Theft. All members are connected to an event or tradition in their neighborhood where the powerful take from the weak. This may be removing children from parents, unfairly jailing a target population, severely under-paying for work, and so on. The characters have formed a crew so they will gain enough power so they can protect themselves and those they care about, resisting the casual theft enforced by those who currently have power.

Going Legit. It is impossible for someone who is not connected to succeed in business and have a life of wealth and comfort. So, the objective is to use illegal means to amass power, then convert that power into legitimate enterprise, so you and those you care about CAN be connected enough to succeed in business and have a life of wealth and comfort.

Only the Best. Your crew is formed out of a vision of collecting those who have certain talents, and learn to work together to be professionals of the highest caliber. Everyone has a role to play, and the future vision is to take on ever-grander schemes and ever-tougher targets, proving skill and wits. Your crew will be famous for their audacity and reliability.

Devotion. The crew is an extension of a religious group, or is formed by zealots. The crew plans to carry out the objectives of the power they worship, relying on divination and oracles to aim their service. Perhaps they were formed by a portent, gathered by divine coincidence, or assembled for just one job (and worked together well.)

Revenge. A person or faction has wronged everyone in the crew. The crew will gain power and wealth so they can destroy their target. It costs coin to collect secret weaknesses, turn trusted agents, assume various personas, and manage the other methods for wreaking vengeance. This is beyond a killing spree or assassination; the target must be punished, then destroyed.

Once the objective is in place, then players can build related material into their character’s back story and resources. From the start, the group has an agreed-upon objective that guides decisions and activity. Can it change over time? Of course! Setting up a motive at the beginning, before making characters and crew, can help point everyone in the same direction and cut down on working at cross purposes.

So, again, I’m planning to run a new BitD game using the QS4 as a base and I’m in the process of adapting the…

So, again, I’m planning to run a new BitD game using the QS4 as a base and I’m in the process of adapting the…

So, again, I’m planning to run a new BitD game using the QS4 as a base and I’m in the process of adapting the translated playbooks to the new version… But meanwhile I did a version of the blank sheet.

Actually I’m considering not making formatted sheets for the rest of the playbooks and let the players fill their sheets on their own, using this.

I also added a few clocks to the sheet… thought they could be handy…

#hojasencastellano   #spanishsheet  


Any lifesigns from the add ons from the Kickstarter or will that start after the definite QS rules are nailed down?

Any lifesigns from the add ons from the Kickstarter or will that start after the definite QS rules are nailed down?

Any lifesigns from the add ons from the Kickstarter or will that start after the definite QS rules are nailed down?





If you want to pre-make a heist site and then evaluate it for what could tempt your characters inside, consider taking a look at the “Price of Evil” by Zzarchov Kowolski.

The format is a “buystarter” so it’s available in rough form for cheap, and if there’s enough interest then the funds it makes will go to copyediting, art, layout, and so on. Why might you be interested in this project?

You use poker cards and hands to determine the house’s main features and the inhabiting ghosts. There is guidance for heaping “oppression” on the characters so as they creak under the weight of their fear and choke on ghostly presence, the rooms get spookier and the ghosts get more powerful.

The system is not neutral, but it’s close enough to easily adapt to use with Blades in the Dark. The theme and feel is about 80% aligned with Blades in the Dark, so most of what you generate you can use as-is.

Making up a few haunted houses could be a pleasant afternoon’s diversion. Afterwards, you can use the names of those haunted places as references, tie in their family histories into your game, and what not until your players are hired to rob one, or cleanse it (especially if they have one or more whisper) or maybe they even target it on their own initiative. Maybe they even use it as a base.

Twenty six pages. Requires some time and investment to use, but building haunted houses may be its own reward. If you want some help coming up with haunted houses, this is a treat for you.


Midnight Empire Chapter 3 concluded!

Midnight Empire Chapter 3 concluded!

Midnight Empire Chapter 3 concluded!

The 5. Strike-Team of the 13th. Sanguine Enforcement Department of the Diocese of North Americana busted the White Queen and her criminal ring of organ dealers and casinos in Vegas. The Teams Enforcer Vexer (Cutter) got a load of a shutgun in his guts and barely survived the last Chapter against the Widow of Witherfields, but came back by the infusion of lycantropic mutagen. With sideeffects but who cares? The Drifters Echo and Noise (Cyber-Whisper) overload the Servers of the Black Chifre Templars and stole their intel on the White Queen’s Lair. The Doll Ariadne (Out of Body Perception Whisper and Telepath) took over the lairs’s Security cams and repeated the feedback, so that Vexer and Noise could infiltrate the Casino Blanche. Deep in the guts of the underneath complex, a midnight demon ravaged throught the Queen’s Fathilities but was eliminated by the team who could free the Shade Lucille de La Croix  (Lurker/Whisper) before she was dissected by the White Knights. Ariadne detected a transdimensional Leak caused by the artifacts, which the Queen harvested from the Tomb of Solomon. More creatures from the Midnight Empire arrived and all order collapsed. Lucille sacrified herself and destroyed the gate. 

After the escape of the White Queen, the shadows opened up and revealed Lucilles survival, but changed for ever marked by the Eye of the Void. Vexer fullfilled his personal project and transmuted into a full Lycantrop while rescuing Ariadne who got surrounded by White Knights Automaton. 

After the Debrief, they spend more time to build up a magic ward in their base of operation and Lucille started a new project (and Compendium Class as Voidblood) to master the Dark Forces in her Bloodstream. Ariadne took the time to train her gunskills, while Echo and Noise got further into the assimilation of the Quantum-Ghost-Engine, which they found in Chapter 1.


Here is one of the ideas I’m toying with for a custom version of Blades in the Dark. Experience!

Here is one of the ideas I’m toying with for a custom version of Blades in the Dark. Experience!

Here is one of the ideas I’m toying with for a custom version of Blades in the Dark. Experience!

Get 1 for each desperate roll (as it is now.) Then, get 1 for each stress incurred. It costs 5 to gain a rating in an action, and (current rating x10) to raise a rating. Each special ability costs 20.

I like this because it rewards intense experiences and player-driven character effort.