I’m curious, when playing the game, how stringent are people letting players call their action skill?
I’m curious, when playing the game, how stringent are people letting players call their action skill?
It seems like every session there’s a point where a player does something along these lines:
“I jump across the rooftops silently and jump on the guard when his back is turned.”
“ok, let’s roll for that. What skill are you using.”
“Uh, I have three dots under Consort. I’m doing that.”
“That’s not really a Consort.”
“Then why did you let me pick it?”
We keep reverting back to the GM (me) calling out a preferred Skill ( “that sounds like a skirmish to me”) with a logical player override if it makes sense (“I think I’m being a bit more finesse-y than skirmish-y”, “ok, fine, how are you being finesse-y about it” ), and things seem to flow a lot better.
Part of it might be because our background are much more boardgame than rpg, and therefore are more sticklers for following the rules to the letter.
Anyway, I was just wondering if people actually follow that rule to the letter, or if they play it with more negotiation.