Session Zero & Tone questions
Session Zero & Tone questions
Hi, I’m starting up a new group with a mixed bunch of players and since having similar expectations about the game is essential to me I’m trying to come up with some short questions.
I wanna do (parts of) the “Same Page Tool” but I’d also like to gauge the kind of tone the players want. Something like
“You get stabbed during an emotional scene. Is this wound a major factor for the next few sessions or should this be shrugged off?”
“You blow up a warehouse but the dynamite goes off too soon. Do we see the action scene where you jump out of the door as it explodes or is it a dramatic scene where you have to leave behind your best (NPC) friend?”
“You are in a room of a crowded building and have to get rid of the corpse. Do we see the vile scene where you retch while you try to chop up the body or do you put sunglasses in him and drive him around in a wheelchair, attaching a string to his hand and waving at people?”
I’m not really happy with these questions though so I’m looking for better ones. I want to know if the players want a dark and gritty game or something light and actiony (maybe even comedic) by giving them in-game examples and not have even more meta discussions about the game before we get going.